What you should have learned: Time of high anxiety 20% of immigrants failed medical exam or legal interview 2% were deported Process lasted several agonizing hours
City Life: Immigrants lived in poor neighborhoods Areas with factories, slum/cheap housing “Home Countries” formed Little Italy, China Town, etc. Most worked in factories Dangerous work
Unwelcomed because of: Lack of money Lack of education Unfamiliar culture Dislike and fear Fear of religious/cultural differences Fear of economic threat- taking US jobs, lowering wages, etc. Nativist: policy of favoring native born Americans over immigrants Literacy test
Looking Backward
Settlement house: community center that provided a variety of services to the poor immigrants Day care, classes, health clinics, etc. Social Gospel Movement: Preached salvation through service to the poor
“Dog-eat-dog Social Darwinism” Political Machines- Organized group that controlled the activities of a political party in a city CITY BOSS WARD BOSSES PRECINCT WORKERS/ CAPTAINS Controlled activities of political parties Gain votes by doing favors & providing services Gain voters on city blocks
Controlled access to jobs, business licenses & influenced courts Worked their way up Bilingual Relate to immigrants Hired and fired police officers MOTIVATION: Money & Power
Illegal use of political influence for personal gain Election fraud by using fake names to vote Ex) Hire contractor Charge city more than cost pocket extra
Head of NYC Democratic Political Machine(Tammany Hall) Corrupt, fraud, embezzlement As you watch the clip I want you to write down any examples of: Social Gospel Movement Political machines at work Nativism
Designed to assimilate people of different cultures into dominant culture Sponsored by US government “Teach immigrants skills needed for citizenship” Led to increased nativism Chinese Exclusion Act – banned all unskilled Chinese immigrants Gentlemen’s Agreement- Limit # of unskilled Japanese immigrants
Discrimination Accused of not wanting to be “American” Accused of stealing jobs Living in poor areas Working for less pay Seen as “uneducated” because of language barrier
Immigration Today
Rapid growth of cities Population 10 mil 54 mil 1910: Immigrant families made up more than half the total population of 18 major cities Why Move to Cities? Cheaper/convenient Jobs
Tenements: Multifamily urban dwellings HORRIBLE CONDITIONS Improvements: Set building standards: plumbing & ventilation
Mass transit: Transportation systems designed to move large amounts of people Street cars, subways
Inadequate plumbing Public works Filtration introduced 1870s Chlorination in 1908
Horse poop, sewage, polluted air 1900 – Created sewage line & sanitation departments
Pickpockets & thieves 1844 : 1 st paid police force (NYC)
Fires in major cities Lack of water Buildings---wooden structures Tenants use candles & kerosene Sprinkler systems & replace buildings with bricks, concrete Create fire departments
Chicago ( Oct 8-10, 1871 ) Chicago ( Oct 8-10, 1871 ) San Francisco (Apr 18, 1906) San Francisco (Apr 18, 1906)
Problems stem from: Industrialization Immigration Urbanization How will America fix these problems?