How to Make an Oral Presentation One of life’s most stressful experiences Five Strategies 1. Be Prepared. 2. Act with Confidence. 3. Structure Your Presentation. 4. Practice Your Presentation. 5. Create a Good Final Impression.
Strategies 1. Be Prepared. 1. Organize your notes. 2. Keep your notes in order. 3. Use your energy. 4. Build yourself up. 5. Carry yourself like royalty.
Strategies 2. Act with Confidence. 1. Take your time. 2. Take command and greet audience. 3. Slow down and speak up.
Strategies 3. Structure your Presentation. 1. Limit your topic. 2. State your thesis and preview your key points. 3. Use transitions. 4. Conclude by reviewing.
Strategies 4. Practice your Presentation. 1. Practice aloud. 2. Practice in front of a mirror. 3. Practice working with your material. 4. Use an outline. 5. Try notecards.
Strategies 5. Create a Good Final Impression. 1. Smile. 2. Thank the audience. 3. Ask for questions.
Building PowerPoint Presentations
Tips Include limited content on each slide. Fill in details orally. Use slide show to augment presentation. Use graphics where appropriate. End each show with a closing slide.
Examples 1.Title Slide 2.Outline Slide 3.Content Slide
1. Title Slide Make your title simple, yet descriptive of the content
1. Title Slide: Example “The Exploration of Natural Beauty in Three Poems by John Keats” By R. Cooper
2. Outline Slide Use numbers or bullets. Point form is best. Give audience a sense of structure.
2. Outline Slide: Example Keats and Natural Beauty The sensuality of Keats’s poems Keats’s poetry and beauty Keats’s poetry and truth
3. Content Slide Use minimum writing. 1. Help with structure 2. Interesting graphic material 3. Charts and graphs as needed Leave “white space.” Place material artistically on slide.
3. Content Slide: Example THOU still unravish’d bride of quietness, Thou foster-child of silence and slow time, Sylvan historian, who canst thus express A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme: What leaf-fring’d legend haunts about thy shape Of deities or mortals, or of both, In Tempe or the dales of Arcady? What men or gods are these? What maidens loth? What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape? What pipes and timbrels? What wild ecstasy?
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