Unit: 6 Business Communication
Overview It is an art to make a good oral presentation which involves full concentration of your audience to whom you are going to present. You need to plan carefully, and efficiently draw attention to transfer you message. To motivate or entertain To inform or evaluate To influence or interact
Planning Oral presentation As with written communication, analyzing the situation involves the finding your purpose and developing and audience profile. The purpose of most of you presentations will be inform all to persuade, although you may occasionally need to make a collaborative presentation.
Time is money, so keep it in your mind, make effective use of it, and fit your content within the particular time frame. Your target is to gain attention of your audience, if your way of presenting is not so catchy the audience will lose its interest in the presentation, which holds too much clutter. Be careful before putting important points in the presentation.
Information such as tables, graphs, figures are often difficult to comprehend for listeners, so there is an effective way is to summarize those graphs, tables, and figures. Illustrate your point with the help of practical examples, explain clearly the important points and support them with the relevant examples.
Structure: When you start planning your presentation your outline of the topic is most probably consist of the following: Introduction The introduction gets ready the listeners for what you are going to speak about the body of the presentation and conclusion take the audience back to the main points.
Body The body must be presented in a rational sequence, which is uncomplicated for the listeners to pursue and natural to the subject. Conclusion Your conclusion always needs to have a positive message in the end of your presentation, don’t be judgmental, don’t emphasize on your opinion, and listen other people opinions.
Writing oral presentation It is effective to use notes, a good presenter differ a huge deal in their notes. Some presenters write their talk in details, whereas some presenters do not use notes. If you feel that whatever you are going to present you are not fully prepared for it, write some notes, otherwise you can go blank during presenting.
Revising oral presentation After planning your presentation go through one more time, what else you want to add or subtract from it. Taking a glance on the material is essential, because you need to be careful about the images, words, examples, etc so that your audience won’t be misinterpreted.
Different people have different styles to learn or work such as: Auditory Visual Practical
The tactics you can employ can be: Internet Flash cards Compose lists Star diagram Mnemonics Testing friends Practice questions Write notes Emphasize on notes Labeled diagrams Mind maps
Electronic presentation tools The visual aids assist you to compose a presentation more vigorous and energetic. They can further assist the listeners to follow your presentation and facilitate you to present the topic that would be easier said than done through speech on your own. The two most general types of visual aid are visual projection transparencies and computer slide give you an idea about (e.g. PowerPoint).
Delivering effective presentation Different people have different style of presenting boldly in public, but even after many years people often gets nervous while giving presentation. So, you are not the one, who lacks this skill, there are few techniques by which you can improve and build up your presentation skills.
There are few points on which you need to draw a careful attention are: Your connection with audience Use of notes Your voice quality Use of visual help
Gaining the Audience concentration Make your topic relevant according to your audience need Employ clear, vivid lingo Illustrate the relationship between your ideas and familiar subject
Today we discussed: Planning Oral presentation Writing oral presentation Revising oral presentation Electronic presentation tools Delivering effective presentation
List of References: Courtland L. Bovee & John V. Thill. Business communication. Fourth Edition Published by: Prentice hall J.Michael Sproule, communication Today (Glenview, I11.: Scott, Foresman, 1981), 329 John S. McClenahen, “ Managing more people in the’ 90s,”industry week, 20 March 1989,30,31.