What Good Writers Do They think about how best to present their work They work on the visual & verbal parts of the presentation
Visual Planning Important to know that how something looks can help or detract from a presentation It is important to think about how to use visuals to enhance your work
Text Format You as a writer must decide whether the final draft of a piece of writing will be handwritten or typed. If your final piece is handwritten, it must be neat so it is easy to read!
Images to Think About Illustrations Photographs Graphs Charts Maps Diagrams
Titles and Bylines You must decide on an appropriate title for the final draft The title should capture the audience’s attention and give a brief description of what they will be reading about. Byline appears under the title and gives the author’s name
Verbal Planning “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” Very important to plan for every presentation Most people are nervous speaking before others
Verbal Planning Steps Rehearse your speech with a partner ahead of time. Make eye contact with the audience. Use note cards or an outline as you speak. Speak clearly and at an appropriate pace. Ask the audience if they have any questions. Answer the audience’s questions.
Your Assignment Select a piece of daily writing that you would like to share Consider both visual and verbal aspects of a presentation Prepare your writing piece for presentation Remember to ask the following questions: Will an illustration, chart, or diagram help readers understand my writing? What do I need to do ahead of time to prepare for an oral presentation?
Evaluation Rubric Helps us understand what we do well and what we need to work on You will evaluate your own work to help you focus on your goals for future writing You will use an evaluation rubric every time you review your work or your classmate’s work This will help you make sure you are becoming a better writer and are using the traits effectively
Exclamatory Sentences An exclamatory sentence- shows strong feeling and ends with an exclamation point. We finally won the championship! I cannot believe we won! It’s my birthday! Write your own exclamatory sentence!
Imperative Sentences Gives a command Most imperative sentences end with a period Go clean your room. Open up your assignment books.
Your Assignment With your partner, think of your favorite sport or after school activity. One partner will write an imperative sentence about your topic of choice and the other will write an exclamatory sentence. You will also discuss the characteristics of each kind of sentence. Repeat the process until time is up