Staying on Track with Healthy Habits
The key to staying motivated is similar to fuel in a car—you don't need the motivation tank to be full to drive, you just need to prevent it from running empty. ~ Joshua C. Klapow, Ph.D., clinical psychologist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and author of Living SMART: 5 Essential Skills to Change Your Health Habits Forever
It is natural and normal for motivation levels to peak and wane. Have a plan to keep your motivation to help you reach your goals. Remind yourself of what your goals are. “See” yourself reaching your goal. Look to the future and not at past failures.
Ask Yourself These Questions If I stop ________, how will I look in six months or one year from now? If I stop _________, how will I feel in six months or one year from now? If I stop _________, what will my health be like? If I stop _________, how will my family and friends be affected?
Be Patient: Remember, Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day (How long would it have lasted if it was?) Keep realistic goals in sight – If your goal is weight loss, 1-2 pounds per week is good progress – When trying to eat healthier or get more physically fit, making small changes gradually is more likely to stick
Keep realistic goals in sight (cont.) Hang a pic of you at your healthiest on the refrigerator to keep you motivated—not one of a supermodel Hang a piece of clothing that you used to be able to wear in a highly visible place (however, your jeans from high school may not be the most realistic motivator.)
Bumps in the Road: Expect Them No one is perfect. Expect a slip-up once in a while Avoid the “I’ve messed up so I might as well eat the whole bag” syndrome If you splurge one day or miss a workout, don’t dwell on it. Tomorrow is a new (healthier) day!
Dealing With the Dreaded Weight Loss Plateau Research shows that after 4-5 weeks of steady weight loss, the scale often stops going down or even goes up a pound or two. – This can be the body’s way of adjusting. – Usually, making a little change in your exercise or dropping your calories a small amount (about 100 calories) will get the scale moving again– in the right direction!
Instead of this…
Think This…
Use the Power of Positive Self Talk Look at how far you’ve come! – Have you lost some pounds? – Are you getting more exercise? – Is your energy level improved? – Have you lowered your sugar intake? – Do you feel better? (It’s not always just about a number on a scale.) Remind yourself of your accomplishments!
Use the Buddy System Tell a buddy about your goals. Saying them aloud and telling someone else helps you be more accountable. Choose a workout buddy Surround yourself with positive people who are health-minded. Cheer one another on!
Track Your Progress Keep a journal Write a list of key achievements Record statistics: Weight, measurements, minutes of physical activity, etc. Put on an old item of clothing that used to be too tight. What matters is that you have a way to see what you have already achieved.
Lift Some Weight Have you lost 5 or 10 pounds or more, or is that your goal: – Pick up a 5 pound bag of sugar or 10 pound bag of dog food in the grocery store How much better do you feel (or would you feel) without that extra weight?
Reward Yourself When you reach a milestone on the path to your goal, treat yourself. – Rewards along the way (not just at the completion of a goal) help improve motivation Get a massage Buy a new piece of clothing or shoes Go to a movie Just…
Healthy Behaviors Become Healthy Habits. Think about it. Do you have to remind yourself every day to brush your teeth? Develop habits that support your goal: – Make a habit of keeping healthy foods available and highly visible at home (keep the fruit bowl full). – Make a habit of making your lunch the night before. – Get used to planning your healthy menus for the week on the weekend. Do some prep ahead of time. – Make it your lunch routine to fit in a 15-minute walk. – Keep a bottle of water at your desk instead of a Coke.