Recap: valuation of ecosystem services Show neglected values of nature, particularly to policy makers/economists Resolve trade-offs, or at least make them.


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Presentation transcript:

Recap: valuation of ecosystem services Show neglected values of nature, particularly to policy makers/economists Resolve trade-offs, or at least make them explicit Valuation process way of exploring the ecosystem service Can create understanding across stakeholders But: Controversial, responsible handling of method needed

TEEB India

TEEB India on urban areas Focused on forest ecosystems, inland wetland ecosystems and coastal and marine ecosystems. Urban areas not dealt with in detail, but some interesting points. “Currently [investigation of urban expansion] includes mostly morphological, physiological and biological information and a listing of drivers and pressures as a basis for identification of interventions. Integrating ecosystem services within these assessment protocols would enable collection of information on these aspects mandatory and lead to development of very useful and significant site level baselines.” TEEB India Scoping Report p. 101

TEEB India on wetlands Economic valuation of wetland ecosystem services are particularly useful in three circumstances: a)When there is a need to demonstrate the value of ecosystem services in terms of contribution to the local, regional or national economy b)When there are policy trade-offs involved over use of wetlands c)When multi-functional use of wetlands is being considered Based on these criterions, candidate sites with the policy and decision making contexts which could be used for structuring economic valuation assessments are presented. Among those: Deepor Beel, Assam. Role in flood mitigation; impacts of urban development on ecosystem services Ritesh Kumar, Wetlands International South Asia, New Delhi EJ James, Karunya University, Coimbatore TEEB India, p. 105

VALUATION METHODS Preferences Direct methods Indirect methods Market prices Production value Avoidance cost Compensation cost Surrogate markets Travel cost Estate values

A few cases from South Asia: On the value of an urban forest in Bhopal

On the cost of air pollution

On the value of wetlands in Vientiane, Laos

Discussion What ecosystem services should we value in more details (qualitatively, quantitatively or in monetary terms)? How can we do it?