Developing Goals and Objectives l ________ = broad statement of desired end l ________ = specific description of outcome or activity needed to reach a goal »_________ obj. = statement of result of behavior change »_________ obj. = statement of expected behavior after intervention »_________ obj. = statement of actions, methods, strategies to produce behavior or outcome objective
Objectives must be: l _____________ l _________-oriented
Bloom’s Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain l Knowledge »of specifics »of ways of dealing with specifics »of universals and abstractions l Comprehension »translation »interpretation »extrapolation l Application l Analysis »of elements »of relationships »of organizational principles l Synthesis »production of communication »production of a plan »derivation of abstract relations l Evaluation
Taxonomy of the Psychomotor Domain l Perception »Sensory stimulation »Cue selection »Translation from idea to movement l Preparedness (set) »Mental set »Physical set »Emotional set l Guided response »Imitation »Trial and error l Complex overt response »Resolution of uncertainty »Automatic performance l Adaptation (to new situation) l Origination (of new skills)
Bloom’s Taxonomy of the Affective Domain l Receiving »Awareness »Willingness to receive »Selected attention l Responding »Agreement to respond »Willingness to respond »Satisfaction in response l Valuing »Acceptance of a value »Preference for a value »Commitment l Organization »Conceptualization of a value »Organization of a value system l Characterization by a value
Writing Objectives l Use ______-oriented verbs l Match the objective with the ________ desired »psychomotor »cognitive »affective
Action Verbs l know l understand l really understand l appreciate l fully appreciate l grasp the significance l believe l have faith in l enjoy l write l identify l differentiate l solve l construct l list/record l compare l contrast l select l eat l walk, run Non-action:Action:
Writing Objectives l A is for ____________ »______ is acting? l B is for ____________ »_____ should occur? l C is for __________ »under what circumstances? l D is for _________ »how much/how often…? l E is for ___________ »how to _________?
l Mission = creating healthy people in healthy communities l 2 Goals: »increase the quality of life and years of healthy life »eliminate health disparities Healthy People 2010
l Increase the proportion of adults who are at a healthy weight. l Target: 60 percent. l Baseline: 42 percent of adults aged 20 years and older were at a healthy weight (defined as a body mass index (BMI) equal to or greater than 18.5 and less than 25) in l Data source: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC, NCHS. Healthy People 2010: Weight Status and Growth
IU DPD Vision and Mission Statements l “We envision a world made better by its citizens actively pursuing healthy lifestyles concerning food, nutrition, and physical activity choices.” --Vision statement l “The mission of the IU Didactic Program in Dietetics is to prepare future nutrition professionals by equipping our students to be competent in required Foundation Knowledge and Skills and committed to community service and lifelong learning.” --Mission statement
Goal 1: The program will prepare graduates for entry into further career preparation. Outcome Measure: A: At least 85% of IU students who attain “junior year” status in dietetics will complete the major and pursue professional careers. B: At least 85% of IU students pursuing careers in dietetics will successfully achieve placement into a dietetic internship. C: At least 90% of IU DPD graduates who receive an internship placement will complete the internship to the satisfaction of their DI director. D: IU DPD graduates will achieve at least an 80% first-time 5-year pass rate on the national RD exam.
Goal 2: IU DPD students will demonstrate competence in FKS and personal strengths in the areas of critical thinking and commitment to community service. A: IU DPD students will complete the program with at least a 2.5 overall GPA as a measure of competence in Foundation Knowledge and Skills. B: Senior dietetics students will demonstrate critical thinking skills as evidenced by well constructed senior dietetics portfolios (current) and by marked improvement in critical thinking survey results from the beginning to the end of their time at IU (plan). C: At least 85% of senior dietetics students will list at least 2 years of community service on their resumes/DI applications. D: At least 50% of dietetics respondents on the HPER alumni survey will indicate involvement in community service after graduation (plan).
Goal 3: The IU DPD program will demonstrate commitment to ongoing assessment and improvement at the macro (program) and micro (course) level. A: The dietetics curriculum will be reviewed by nutrition division faculty at least once every 2 years (according to the IU bulletin schedule). B: The ADA FKS/IU course chart will be reviewed for currency by nutrition division faculty at least once every 3 years. C: DPD faculty will respond to advances in the field of nutrition (as determined by professional development activities and evolving CADE standards) and to student evaluations in order to keep majors courses current and relevant to the needs of the students and the dietetics profession.