RadioSport / Contesting: Amateur Radio’s Swiss Army Knife; or Extreme Ham Radio? Doug Grant, K1DG
What do YOU enjoy about ham radio? Working DX/chasing awards Building a station Hanging out with ham friends Traffic handling Emergency Comms Ragchewing Trying New Bands/Modes
RadioSport has all these! Cut through pileups Build a station Sharpen operating skills Hang out with ham friends Be the Most Reliable In Emergency Comms Screw around on new bands/modes Punch your messages through
But it’s also EXTREME ! ! Learn how to crack pileups even with QRP Work DXCC in a weekend Make 400 QSOs in one hour Learn how to make your signal loud, then louder Meet and learn from the big guns, then become one of them! And most importantly… have more fun!
The Best Thing About Radiosport Anyone can play! It doesn’t take a megabucks station The big stations need QSOs from everyone! Imagine being allowed to play in the Olympics even if you are a casual jogger!
Trivia Quiz Q: When was the first ham radio contest? A: When the third guy got on the air!
Is this the station of a “Big Gun”? WN1ICD, 1967 WPE1GZQ, 1966
Competition is a natural thing – otherwise there’d be no sports RadioSport is a lot like car racing; to win either, it takes: –Equipment –Operating skill –Experience –Luck And win or lose, you: –Learn –Make friends –Have fun
But winning is really great! K1DG & K1AR win Gold Medal at WRTC1990 in Seattle
But winning (or anywhere on the medal stand) is great! K1DG & K1AR win Bronze Medals at WRTC2000 in Slovenia
But winning (or anywhere on the medal stand) is great! K1DG & N2NT win Bronze Medals at WRTC2006 in Brazil
Today’s Program 1330 WA1Z Planning and Evaluating Station Improvements 1345 K1NU Understanding Propagation 1400 AD1C Chasing DX and Associated Awards 1415 WA1Z Honing Your Operating Skills 1430 K1TTT Resources/Tools Available for RadioSport 1445 WA1Z Logging and Automation Software Overview 1500 K1IR Competition - Setting Goals, Your First Contest 1515 K1DG & K1RX Wrap Up and Invitation to RadioSport
Followed at 1530 (3:30 PM) by: General Meeting of the Yankee Clipper Contest Club New Contesters Welcome! Highlights: –FS5 DXpedition –Youth Scholarship Raffle Drawing Membership applications will be available and new members are welcome