Guidelines For Eating Healthy Food Pyramid
What is the relationship between the way you eat and good health? Poor eating habits play a large role in serious health problems Developing good eating habits now can can reduce future health problems Dietary Guidelines for Americans can be used and the food pyramid to make healthful eating a part of your everyday life
Yes or No 1. Do you eat a good variety of foods over a period of a few days? 2. Do you eat 2-3 servings from the Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese Group most days? 3. Do you eat 3-5 servings of vegetables most days? 4. Do you eat 6-11 servings from the Bread, Cereal, Rice, and Pasta Group most days?
Yes or No 5. Do you have 2-4 servings of fruit most days? 6. Do you eat 2-3 servings from the meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs, and nuts Group most days? 7. Do you eat fries, candy, chips, and other fats and sweets sparingly? 8. Do you eat whole wheat or other whole grain bread most days?
Yes or No Do you drink water or milk instead of soft drinks with meals? Do you stop eating when you are full? Would you choose a low-fat muffin instead of a doughnut for breakfast? Do you exercise or engage in some physical activity daily?
How many YES answers do you have? 11-12: Healthy Keep up the good work 7-10: Not bad, but consider eating a few less fries and a few more oranges Less than 7: Get in Shape! Try to chose foods more wisely.
What are Dietary Guidelines for Americans? Science-based advice for making smart food choices, balancing food choices and physical activity, and getting the most nutrition out of your calories. Updated and published every 5 years US Department of Health and Human Services(HHS) and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Key Food Groups Fruit Group Vegetable Group Grain Group Milk Group Meat and Bean Group
Activity Around the room you will find sheets that contain the 5 different pyramid groups Fruit Group Vegetable Group Grain Group Milk Group Meat and Bean Group Under each group name as many types of food that fit under that group as possible When instructed to switch, rotate to the next sheet until you return back where you started Steps to a healthier you com/watch?v=IJnGF acO3Vs&feature=rel atedhttp:// com/watch?v=IJnGF acO3Vs&feature=rel ated
Vegetable Group
Fruit Group
Grain Group
Milk Group
Meat and Bean
Healthy Food Song _Db-1w&feature=fvwhttp:// _Db-1w&feature=fvw
Assignment My Pyramid Plan (under Interactive Tools) Complete the MyPyramid Plan Assignment Sheet