1 EUROMEAT: QUALIFICATIONS TRANSPARENCY IN THE MEAT INDUSTRY AT THE EUROPEAN UNION Phase 5. Disseminations of the results Meat Foundation in Asturias Mieres, Oviedo. 24th September 2007.
2 EUROMEAT PARTNERSHIP Countries: Germany, Spain, France and Italy Promoter: IFES- Spain. Training and research centre. FTA-UGT. Spain. Trade union. Collaborators: – BFW-Germany. Training centre – CNERTA-Enesad. France. University – Biocert-Italy. Ecologic production consulting – Incual-Spain. Public body. Responsible of the SNCFP
3 PHASES OF THE PROJECT Socio labour analysis of the meat industry in Europe Analyse of the training offer and definition of the professional profiles Proposal of an European model of transparency of qualifications IV. Evaluation of the results V.Dissemination of the results
4 METHODOLOGY Documentary analysis: national and international sources. Interviews with key speakers. Experts groups for the validation. Visit of studies. Incarlopsa, Meat Foundation of Asturias International meetings. Products National reports. International reports: compared research.
6 ENTITIES COLLABORATORS MEAT FOUNDATION IN ASTURIAS (Spain). AICE (Spain). Meat Industries Association in Spain. ASOCARNE (Spain). Spanish meat enterprises association. CFDT (France). Confédération française démocratique du travail. EFFAT. European Federation of Trade Unions in the Food, Agriculture and Tourism sectors. FLAI-CGIL (Italia). Federazione Lavoratori Agroindustria. INCARLOPSA (Spain). Meat industry. NGG (Germany). Gewerkschaft Nahrung-Genuss-Gaststätten. UILA (Italy). Unione italiana lavoratori agroalimentari.
7 EUROMEAT OBJECTIVES General objective The general objective is to develop from a sectorial perspective one set of proposals for the recognition of qualifications in the meat industry, which be useful to improve the access into the VET and into the employment. Specific objectives To analyse the situation of the meat industry sector To know the situation of the professional qualification in the sector. To develop proposals for the recognition of qualifications. To propose a model or models of competences’ certificate.
8 FIELD: ACTIVITIES AND THEMATIC REFERENCES Field: activities with NACE 151 and 5222 code. Matters of references for the sector in the initial analyses: – Food safety – New technologies and automatization – Quality in the process and traceability – Welfare of the animal – Labour risk prevention – Change at the consumption trend – Production in the field – Trade
9 SOCIOLABOUR ANALYSE Field Entrepreneur and socio economic characteristic Employment situation
10 SOCIECONOMIC AND ENTERPREUNERSHIP CHARACTERISTICS (1) Number of enterprises The meat industry means the 17% of the enterprises from the agro-food sector. They are around , and they are distributed in slaughterer, factories, points of distribution and butcheries. Size of enterprises - Large enterprises live together with small and medium ones. - The healthy crises impact to the slaughterer and small enterprises. Geographic distribution - Large enterprises are found in industrial focus. - Small enterprises, disseminated around all the geography.
11 SOCIECONOMIC AND ENTERPREUNERSHIP CHARACTERISTICS (2) Importance of the distribution chains - Large surfaces are more and more importance. They assume productive process as the trimming. Healthy situation - Adaptation to the regulation: close of slaughterer, handle licence, incorporation of the industrial cold, etc. Outsourcing - Delocalisation of the productive process to other countries. - Outsourcing of the process: cold maintenance, trimming. Industrialization - Trend to the merge with medium size enterprises with the large ones. - Small enterprises keep in a stable situation. - Demand of the prepared products from the comercial surfaces.
12 EMPLOYMENT SITUATION IN THE SECTOR Employment in the sector positions, which mean the 22.3€ of the agro-food sector. - Incidence of the healthy crises, more in the large enterprises. - Receiver enterprises of the non qualified work. - Lack of the social recognition of the occupations, few attractive for youth. Employment stable - It is considered that the employment is stable. This stability is larger in the craft enterprises than in the large ones. Access into the employment - Access by known people, family, etc. Not by VT. - Need of specialized workers. By example, trimmer, polyvalent worker, traceability expert, etc.
13 EMPLOYMENT SITUATION IN THE SECTOR Immigrant workers More and more it is an important collective.In some cases they have a high specific preparation, for instance, workers from the East. Trend into the employment Trend of loosing employment for the next years by the automatization of the process, because of the generation of the submerged economy, outsourcing and delocalisation and the lack of interest from youth.
14 PROFILES AND TRAINING OFFER Vocational training in the sector Professional profiles and areas Training map Adaptation to the EQF
15 VOCATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEM IN THE SECTOR – Every countries have a vocational training system or systems addressed to the meat industry. – The vocational training is few attractive for youth and there is a low participation, which is consequence of the bad image of the sector. – Changes in the educational systems and the establishment of the national systems of qualifications means improvements for the participation of the VT: validation and flexibility. – The recognition of the labour experience means the possibility to access into the vocational training.
16 VOCATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEMS Germany: Educational system (Law BBIG) Dual System ; Chambers of commerce: permanent training. Spain: Educational system (MEC); Training System for the employment (MTAS); National system of qualifications (SNCFP) France: Ministry of Education: National Diploma (CAP, BEP); Ministry of Agriculture: Professional Diploma; Ministry of Labour. Professional Accreditation; Paritary commission of the employment: qualification certified (CQP). Italy: MIUR. Ministry of Education, University and Investigation. MLPS. Ministry of labour and social policies. Regional administrations.
17 AREAS AND PROFESSIONAL PROFILES OBJECTS OF THE VET AreasProfiles Slaughterer and raw material conservation Slaughterer / Cutter / Trimmer Meat product preparer / packer Cold store / warehouse worker Meat product manufacture Raw material product preparer Meat product treated thermo preparer Machinery worker Wholesale trading Logistic technician Distributor Sales women/men // representation Food safety Veterinary Quality control expert Maintenance technician
18 VOCATIONAL TRAINING: PROPOSAL OF AND ADAPTATION TO THE EQF - Level 1 to 2: Till Secondary Education - Level 3. High Secondary School - Level 4. High Technician Education - Levels 5 a 8: University Education
19 TRAINING MAP LevelTraining offer 1 y 2 Food handle worker Timer control Slaughterer worker and first transformations Slaughterer Butcher/delicatessen Meat product preparer Maintenance worker Meat industry qualified worker Meat industry polyvalent worker
20 TRAINING MAP LevelTraining offer 3 Machines maintenance worker Food industry qualified worker Slaughterer technician and first meat transformations Vegetal, meat and fish can food technician Meat transformation Line of transformation supervisor 4 Biologic production expert Quality control technician Food industry high technician Veterinary assistant 5 a 8 Agro-food industries engineer Veterinary
21 PROPOSAL OF AN EUROPEAN MODEL OF TRANSPARENCY European context of the qualifications: – EQF. European framework of qualifications. Importance of the sectors. – ECVET. Credit transfer in VET. – EUROPASS: Workers and student mobility sistem.
22 European model of transparency of qualifications Importance of the non formal learning European Context: EQF,ECVET, EUROPASS Methodology of the recognition Involved actors Adapted model to Europass
23 DEFINITION OF THE QUALIFICATIONS RECOGNITION The scenarios of the recognition are the educational system and the labour market. It could be differenced in three moments in the recognition process: - Qualifications Identification: collective negotiation, studies coordinated by the central administration, methodology for the identification of changes of the qualifications, definition of the qualifications by the regions. - Competences evaluation: exams in the educational system. Curriculum of competences “Libreto del cittadino”. In the labour market: professional practice, cv. - Certification. Educational system: degrees and diplomas. Labour market: certified of an enterprise, food handle professional licence, certificate of participation in training courses in the enterprise.
24 IMPORTANCE OF THE NON FORMAL LEARNING Way of learning of many workers with a low qualification in the sector. Problems of lack of transparency and access into the Vocational Training. Labour market recognize the non formal learning in Spain, France and Italy. Educational System: recognition of the non formal learning for the access to the exams of the educational system. National Systems which consider the non formal learning: Spain (art. 8. Law 5/2002. SNCFP), France (Balance of competences, VAE) EQF: need of recognize the acquired learning by any way. Use of the concept: LEARNING OUTCOMES.
25 ACTORS IN THE RECOGNITION OF QUALIFICATIONS Actors: Central administration: Ministries of Education, Labour, Agriculture, Healthy. Regional administration Social partners: trade union and enterprises organizations. Enterprises and SME’s
26 PROPOSAL OF A MODEL OF RECOGNITION ADAPTED TO THE EUROPASS There is a positive valuation towards an European model of transparency of qualifications in the sector: – It allows to know the individual situation in relation with the qualification which everyone has and to the lack of acquiring a certified, diploma. – To facilitate the transparency and visibility of the qualifications in the labour market. – To facilitate the recruitment. – It uses to homogenise the qualifications in Europe. – To improve the workers mobility – The Europass model can be adapted to the recognition of qualifications in the sector.
27 DESCRIBERS ELEMENTS FOR A DOCUMENT OF RECOGNITION (1/2) Competences: – Specifics to the sector and transversal competences which describes socio labour skills. – 2 positions: it must be indicated how, when and where they were acquired // These data will not be included because they are discriminatory. – Greed format – Will of the worker to include data
28 IDENTIFICATION OF COMPETENCES: DOUBLE ENTRANCE MATRIX Proposal: example of matrix of Competences
29 DESCRIBERS ELEMENTS OF AN ACREDITATION MODEL Personal data Horizontal and specific competences. Matrix format of double entrance. Experience and labour path of the worker. Organization which promotes the document: whole involvement of the public administrations, social partners, enterprises and training centres. Format of the document expedition: competences licence and complementary dossier.
30 DESCRIBERS ELEMENTS FOR A DOCUMENT OF RECOGNITION (1/3) Organizations which should promote the document: – Promoted by all the involved partners. – Linked to the collective negotiation: being a priority the social recognition of the occupations and of the worker. – Linked to the qualifications and vocational training system. – Linked to the priorities from the sector. – Enterprises alone - NEVER.
31 PROCESS FOR THE RECOGNITION, EVALUATION AND ACCREDITATION Identification of enterprises and kind of enterprises. Classification of working positions. Competences description. Detail of the associated training to acquire competences Identification of the people who will value and develop the identifications of qualifications process. List of degrees, experiences and previous evidence which will be in account. Issue of a competences document: licence and portfolio.