What are the tools needed to sharpen a knife?
What are the different materials knives are made from 1.Carbon steel 2.Stainless steel 3.Ceramic 4.High carbon stain free steel
How does the care of a ceramic knife differ from that of a steel knife? Ceramic knives: Ceramic knives are hand washed not dishwasher safe because if they are put in a dishwasher, the blade will knock against the wall of the washer or against each other which will damage the blade. To store a ceramic knife one can buy a special block for them. Steel knives: you must hand wash it with a mild soap and dry it thoroughly after each. Never use a dishwasher for a steel knife.
What are the proper steps used in sharpening a knife? To get rid of the rough areas on the blade, use the coarse grit side of the stone and move in a back and forth motion. If the edge of your blade needs a light sharpening, you can use just the fine grit side of the stone for the sharpening process. With the edge of the blade in contact with the large, flat side of the stone, angle the blade about degrees from the flat face of the stone. While applying light pressure, push the blade forward along the face of the stone. Once the knife has been sharpened on both sides of the blade, wipe it with a towel and inspect its edge. Grit side
How should knives be stored? Knives should be stored using a magnetic belt that hangs in your kitchen This allows easy access to your knives It allows it to be in a safe storage where no child could reach it You can also store your knives in a locked cabinet Magnetic knife belt