1) 在我这个年纪 2) 两个礼拜后 3) 归功于 4) 戒烟 5) 在青春期 6) 沉溺于 7) 顺便问一下 8) 在三个不同的方面 9) 变得习惯于 at my age in two weeks time be due to stop / quit / give up/get rid of smoking during adolescence be/get/become addicted to (doing) sth. by the way in three different ways be/get/become accustomed to (doing) sth.
10) 脱瘾症状 11) 痛苦地 12) 反反复复地 13) 对 … 造成严重侵害 14) 影响不吸烟者的健康 15) 被除名 16) 在网上 17) 坚定 … 的决心 18) 活得健康长寿 19) 对 … 作出决定 withdrawal symptoms over and over again do terrible damage to… affect the health of non-smokers be taken off on the Internet strengthen one’s revolve live a long and healthy life decide on… in pain
20) 一包香烟 21 )想要做 … 22 )破除旧习 23) 使 … 忙碌 24) 伸手去拿 … 25) 试着做做深呼吸 26) 感到绝望 27) 口香糖 28) 觉得难为情 a packet of cigarettes feel like doing break old habits keep…busy reach for try deep breath feel desperate chewing gum feel ashamed
1.Have you ever smoked? 2. What do you think of smoking?
Smoking means committing progressive suicide
Can you list any harmful effects of smoking?
A waste of _______money
Smoking causes fire.
Smoking may cause ______.fire
Smoking may cause ___________.air pollution pollute the environment
Smoking is a bad example to children.
Smoking is not good for ____________ smokers. secondhand 中国约十万人因 吸二手烟而死.
do harm to our health Smoking causes lung cancer.
Smoking makes you bony.
stop smoking ( 戒烟 )? give up smoking quit smoking get rid of smoking It is easy to begin smoking and it is tough to stop.
What advice would you give? My advice is that let them get interested in some positive hobbies like sports, playing music, reading, playing chess and so on.
Fast reading 1. What was the problem that James had? 2. What advice did Grandad give James on? 3. In what way did the old man try to persuade James? A.Using scientific theory B. His failure in love C. His sports activity D. His own experience He started smoking and found it difficult to give up. He gave James advice on giving up smoking.
Match the paragraphs with the main ideas. A. James’ problem of smoking. B. Telling three ways of becoming addicted to smoking. C. The writer’s hope for his grandson and advice on stopping smoking. D. Tell us the harmful effects of smoking. E. From the life the writer is living, we know the importance of a healthy life
He is leading a ________ life. healthy active happy … A long bike ride; It is amazing that at my age I am still fit enough to … I will be 82 years in two weeks’ time. Long and active life. Careful Reading Jame’s grandpa’s recent life
Different ways to become addicted _________ addicted physically habitually mentally to_______ nicotine to_______ the habit the feeling to_________ Grandad’s experience What happened to him when he was a teenager? I also smoked and I became addicted to cigarettes.
When the adolescents (teenagers) become addicted to smoking, it is very difficult for them to quit. However, smoking does have bad effects on them.
Harmful physical effects on smokers 1. Do terrible damage to _______________. 2.The smoking couples have difficulty in ___________________. 3. Become ___________ quickly. Harmful effects on others 1. The cigarette smoke ______________to others. 2. The cigarette smoke affect the health of ___________. heart and lungs becoming pregnant breathless smells terrible non-smokers Harmful effects of smoking Smoking causes lung cancer. 中国约十万人因 吸二手烟而死. Smoking affects the health of the nonsmokers.
his present life ? It seems amazing that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometers in an afternoon. I think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life I live. What kind of person do you think the grandad is? kind, energetic; considerate; knowledgeable; determined, ……
Suggestions for quitting smoking: 1._______ yourself. 2.Be __________. 3.______ the habit. 4.Relax. 5.Get _____ if you need it. 6.______ trying. James’ grandad found some advice on the Internet. Prepare determined Break help Keep
Prepare yourself How are these pictures connected with the text? 1.___________ ( 决定 ) a day to quit. 2._____________ ( 列单子 ) of all the benefits you will get from stopping smoking. 3.____________ ( 扔掉 ) your last packet of cigarettes. Decide on Make a list of Throw away
Be determined & Break the habit 1.____________ ( 每次 ) you ________ ( 想要 ) smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker. 2.Instead of smoking a cigarette, do anything to ______ ( 让 ; 使 ) your mind and especially your hands busy. Every time feel like keep
Relax & Keep trying 1.If you start to feel nervous or __________ ( 有压力的 ), do not _____________ ( 伸 手要 …) a cigarette. 2.Do not be ____________ ( 失望的 ) if you have to try several times before you finally stop smoking. 3.Do not feel ___________ ( 羞愧的 ) if you weaken and have a cigarette. stressed reach for disappointed ashamed
If only James would follow the advice! Besides giving the advice, in what way did the old man try to persuade his grandson to give up smoking? Do you think the advice that James’ grandfather sent is useful for James?
How can we live a healthy life? A healthy diet; Doing exercise; Keep happy and active; ……
1) 在我这个年纪 2) 两个礼拜后 3) 归功于 4) 戒烟 5) 在青春期 6) 沉溺于 7) 顺便问一下 8) 在三个不同的方面 9) 变得习惯于 at my age in two weeks time be due to stop / quit / give up/get rid of smoking during adolescence be/get/become addicted to (doing) sth. by the way in three different ways be/get/become accustomed to (doing) sth.
1) 应给的, 应支付的(常与 to 连用) 应该付给你很多钱. A great deal of money is due to you. 教师应受尊敬。 Respect is due to teachers. 2) 应付的;到期的. 今天该交电费了. The electricity bill is due today. due 的具体用法 【讲义 No.2 】
3) ( 车、船等 ) 预定应到的 火车该什么时候到上海 ? When is the train due at Shanghai? 4) due 约定的 ; 预期的 ( due to do / due for ) 他预计下周去澳大利亚. He is due to leave for Australia next week. 你们的作文下周五必须交. Your composition is due to be handed in next Friday.
5) due to 归因于 … [=because of / thanks to / owing to/on account of…] 我的成功是由于你的帮助. My success is due to your help. 她的病是坏了的食物造成的. Her illness was due to bad food.
The accident is due to your careless ______(drive). He is due to ________(speak) at the meeting tomorrow. be due to n./doing 归因于, 归功于 = be caused by 一般作表语 be due to do sth 定于某时做某事
be/become addicted to sth. be addicted to doing sth. addict oneself to sth. 对 … 上瘾;沉湎于 某事,专心做某事 有三种不同的方式你可以对吸烟上瘾。 You can cigarettes in three different ways. You can in three different ways. become addicted to become addicted to smoking addict yourself to cigarettes My children have become hopelessly addicted to television. 我的几个孩子都成了电视迷, 简直不可救药了。
addict n. 吸毒成瘾的人 vt. 上瘾 addicted adj. addictive adj. 使人上瘾的 addiction n. 沉湎, 成瘾 1. To people’s great surprise, Xiedong, a famous singer, turned out to be an _________. 2. Coffee and heroin are both _________ things. 3. It is extremely hard for him to overcome his ________ to alcohol. 4. Many young girls are ________ to soap operas to kill their time. addict addictive addiction addicted
1) accustom+sb/oneself + to+n/doing Children are quick to accustom themselves to new surroundings. 孩子们很快就会适应新环境。 2) be accustomed to +n/doing I am accustomed to walking long distances. 我习惯长距离步行。 3) get/become accustomed to +n./doing You will soon get accustomed to the job. 你将会习惯于这个工作。 accustom vt. 使人习惯于 … 、养成习惯 She found it necessary to accustom her child to getting up early. 她觉得有必要让孩子养成早起的 好习惯。
10) 脱瘾症状 11) 痛苦地 12) 反反复复地 13) 对 … 造成严重侵害 14) 影响不吸烟者的健康 15) 被除名 16) 在网上 17) 坚定 … 的决心 18) 活得健康长寿 19) 对 … 作出决定 withdrawal symptoms over and over again do terrible damage to… affect the health of non-smokers be taken off on the Internet strengthen one’s revolve live a long and healthy life decide on… in pain
20) 一包香烟 21 )想要做 … 22 )破除旧习 23) 使 … 忙碌 24) 伸手去拿 … 25) 试着做做深呼吸 26) 感到绝望 27) 口香糖 28) 觉得难为情 a packet of cigarettes feel like doing break old habits keep…busy reach for try deep breathing feel desperate chewing gum feel ashamed
breathless adj. breath n. breathe v. breathlessly adv. 1.How long can you hold you ? 2.Try to deeply. 3.At last they arrived at the top of the high mountain, which left him. breath breathe breathless
Translation.Pay attention to the use of “take off”. 1.you’d better take off your coat if you feel hot. 2. The plane should take off on time. 3. When she saw me coming, she took off in the opposite direction. 4. The policeman had been taken off the case because of some reason. 5. It was in the 1950s, when he was already in his fifties, that his career as a poet began to take off. 脱掉,摘掉 起飞 匆匆离开,急忙离开 调离,解除 突然大受欢迎,事业腾飞 take on take over take up take advantage of take down 开始从事,占据 接管,接任 呈现 利用 make use of 拿下,记下,拆除
你撒了谎感到害臊吗 ? Are you ashamed for having lied? Yesterday I behaved badly and I am ashamed of myself for my action now. ashamed [adj.] 【讲义 No.3 】 be\feel ashamed of…/that 从句 以为... 是耻辱 be ashamed of oneself for sth. 因为... 而害羞 feel ashamed for sb. 替某人感到羞愧 be ashamed to do sth. 以干... 为耻 shame/ashamed/shameful It is a _______ that he was caught cheating in the exam. She is very shy and always _______ to ask for help. shame ashamed
1. 我想我之所以长寿且精力充沛,要归功于我的健康生 活。 2. 我知道,吸烟容易戒烟难。你知道,当我还是一个十几 岁的孩子的时候,我也吸过烟,而且还上了瘾。 I think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life I live. I know it’s easy to begin smoking and it’s tough to stop. You see, during adolescence I also smoked and became addicted to cigarettes.
3. 这就是说,过一段时间以后,你的身体习惯了香烟 里的尼古丁。 4. 我更不知道,我自己吸烟还会损害那些不吸烟人的 健康。 5. 我的确希望你把烟戒掉,因为我希望你能像我这样 活得健康长寿。 This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed to having nicotine in it. Neither did I know that my cigarette smoke could affect the health of non-smokers. I do hope you can give up smoking because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have.
Line 18: I did finally manage. Line 30: I do hope so because I want you to live… do/does/did+ 动词原形,用于肯定句和祈使句中,表示强调。 注意:只用于强调谓语动词。 强调谓语以外的成分可使用: It is/was ……that…… 他英语说得确实好。 过马路千万要小心。 我是在做作业的时候看到他在睡觉。 在上课的时候是我看到他在睡觉。 He does speak English well. Do be careful when crossing the street. It was when I was doing my homework that I saw him sleeping. It was I that/who saw him sleeping in class.
1.Read the letter again & read the notes on Page Page Exx 作业本 1.2 课时练习 4. 预习语法报纸 B3 版,课文注释 p87-88.
In three different ways people can become addicted to cigarettes First: You become __________ addicted to nicotine, that is, your body become _____________ to having nicotine. Secondly: You become addicted through ______, that is, you begin to do it ______________. Lastly: You can become _______ addicted. physically accustomed habit automatically mentally
Read the letter again and get the main idea of each paragraph paragraph Main idea (what did grandad say?) He told James how about _____________ and what the importance of a healthy life. He related James’ smoking to _____________________________. Three different ways of ___________ _______________________. _____________________ of smoking. __________ for James. his similar experience as a teenager his present life The harmful effects His hope becoming addicted to cigarettes
Harmful effects on smokers The smokers’ fingers are turning yellow. The smokers _____ terrible. The smokers’_____________ are terribly damaged. The smokers have more difficulty in ____________________. b e unable to____________ smellare smelly heart and lungs becoming pregnant Harmful effects of smoking enjoy sport Harmful effects on non-smokers