Overview Introduction Introduction Research Methods Research Methods Criteria Criteria Results Results Conclusions Conclusions Recommendations Recommendations
Introduction Determined a need for diet and nutrition education Determined a need for diet and nutrition education Researched the feasibility of creating a monthly nutrition e-newsletter Researched the feasibility of creating a monthly nutrition e-newsletter Examined benefits to educating people about diet and nutrition Examined benefits to educating people about diet and nutrition Gathered data from Nutrition Questionnaires & conducted an Observational Shoppers Survey of “healthy” and “unhealthy” foods Gathered data from Nutrition Questionnaires & conducted an Observational Shoppers Survey of “healthy” and “unhealthy” foods Presented nutritional facts from NIH, USDA, ADA, The China Study, Dr. Gaby, Dr. McDougall Video (CA SB 380), and Paul Pitchford Presented nutritional facts from NIH, USDA, ADA, The China Study, Dr. Gaby, Dr. McDougall Video (CA SB 380), and Paul Pitchford
Introduction Introduction Problems/Solutions: Direct correlation between diet & nutrition and disease Direct correlation between diet & nutrition and disease A good diet can overcome disease and sickness A good diet can overcome disease and sickness Few people know what to do to improve their health Few people know what to do to improve their health Solid evidence exists that diet impacts recurrence of cancers Solid evidence exists that diet impacts recurrence of cancers Lower diet quality leads to overweight and obesity Lower diet quality leads to overweight and obesity Whole foods would improve health of Americans Whole foods would improve health of Americans Doctors have insufficient nutrition education Doctors have insufficient nutrition education A newsletter written by health professionals would offer needed diet and nutrition information A newsletter written by health professionals would offer needed diet and nutrition information
Research Methods Distributed two Nutrition Questionnaires - one to 22 college students – one to 26 college-educated women Distributed two Nutrition Questionnaires - one to 22 college students – one to 26 college-educated women Prepared a series of graphics with pertinent information Prepared a series of graphics with pertinent information Conducted an Observational Shopper Survey of 20 shoppers for “healthy” (fruits/veggies) and “unhealthy” (sweet drinks and foods) Conducted an Observational Shopper Survey of 20 shoppers for “healthy” (fruits/veggies) and “unhealthy” (sweet drinks and foods) Researched abstracts from ADA 2011 Fall Conference Researched abstracts from ADA 2011 Fall Conference Researched peer-reviewed articles on diet, dietetics, and nutrition in relation to disease Researched peer-reviewed articles on diet, dietetics, and nutrition in relation to disease
Criteria for Feasibility Study Criteria for Feasibility Study Is there a need for diet and nutrition education? Is there a need for diet and nutrition education? Is an e-newsletter the best way to educate people on diet in relation to disease prevention? Is an e-newsletter the best way to educate people on diet in relation to disease prevention? Does my research confirm interest for a nutrition e- newsletter and provide benefit to people? Does my research confirm interest for a nutrition e- newsletter and provide benefit to people? Is there time for us to produce an interesting & informative monthly e-newsletter? Is there time for us to produce an interesting & informative monthly e-newsletter? Would the newsletter be a good addition to your nutrition website? Would the newsletter be a good addition to your nutrition website?
Research Results The Need for Nutritional Education The Need for Nutritional Education Less than 25% of adults consume 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day Less than 25% of adults consume 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day Top three barriers cited to eating healthier among an inner-city group of people: Top three barriers cited to eating healthier among an inner-city group of people: accessibility, affordability, and taste accessibility, affordability, and taste Lack of understanding about foods that contain dietary fiber, especially among college students surveyed (see comparison) Lack of understanding about foods that contain dietary fiber, especially among college students surveyed (see comparison)
Fiber Intake Comparison Food Group Students Women Meat and Poultry Group (no fiber)50%8% Fruits and Vegetables Group50%92% Dairy/Dairy-Free Alternatives (no fiber)45%8% Fish Group (no fiber)9%8% Whole grains Group64%50% Potatoes27%8% Beans/Legumes9%54%
Nutrition Information - Interests/Benefits College Students & College-Educated Women TopicStudentsWomen TopicStudentsWomen Healthy Recipes-quick, easy & tasty91% 85% Healthy Recipes-quick, easy & tasty91% 85% Latest Nutrition Research on Foods50%58% Latest Nutrition Research on Foods50%58% Nutrition & Brain Health32%54% Nutrition & Brain Health32%54% Foods & Moods59%50% Foods & Moods59%50% Nutrition Energy-Boosting Foods73%42% Nutrition Energy-Boosting Foods73%42% Advice from Nutritional Professionals36%38% Advice from Nutritional Professionals36%38% Eating Healthy for Less68%31% Eating Healthy for Less68%31% Information About Nutritional Supp18%31% Information About Nutritional Supp18%31%
Preferred Format for Nutrition Information Q. If you could be provided with dietary & nutrition research that would keep you informed of ways for you and your family to maintain good health and prevent degenerative diseases, and that was written by a professional in the field of nutrition, what format would appeal to you the most? College Students: 45% Prefer Nutrition E-Newsletter College Students: 45% Prefer Nutrition E-Newsletter College-Educated Women: 68% Prefer Nutrition E- newsletter College-Educated Women: 68% Prefer Nutrition E- newsletter
Do Doctors Ask you What you Eat?
Observational Shopper Survey “Healthy Foods” = Fruits/Veggies * “Unhealthy Foods” = Sweet Drinks/Foods Typical American Diet ≥ 20% added sugars (Gaby) ≥ 20% added sugars (Gaby) Low Fruit & Veg Intake [phytochemicals/micronutrients] (Flynn, et al.) WHAT I LEARNED: Being of normal weight does not necessarily mean choosing “healthy foods” Being of normal weight does not necessarily mean choosing “healthy foods” Some seniors do not always eat enough food or have balanced diets Some seniors do not always eat enough food or have balanced diets Some very overweight people more aware of good nutrition, making “healthy food” choices for themselves and their families Some very overweight people more aware of good nutrition, making “healthy food” choices for themselves and their families Some normal-weight shoppers choose “healthy foods” but also purchase cases of “unhealthy” soft drinks Some normal-weight shoppers choose “healthy foods” but also purchase cases of “unhealthy” soft drinks Some mothers are making “healthy food” choices for their very young children Some mothers are making “healthy food” choices for their very young children
Positive Results from Nutrition Education Dietetic Students Surveyed After 15 Months in Program (Koning, et al.) RESULTS of Assessment: Increased intake of fresh produce 26% Increased intake of whole grains 22.2% Decrease in deep-fried fast foods 74% (7 days prior) Decrease in soft-drink consumption 67% (7 days prior) Conclusions: To overt childhood obesity, long-term nutritional education in school curriculum = healthier lifestyles and reduction of childhood/adolescent obesity rates *A regular nutrition newsletter could provide similar opportunities for adults and their families for adults and their families
Conclusions Questionnaires demonstrate need for diet/nutrition education Questionnaires demonstrate need for diet/nutrition education Questionnaires show overwhelming preference for e-newsletter to deliver diet/nutrition information Questionnaires show overwhelming preference for e-newsletter to deliver diet/nutrition information Questionnaires indicate interest on a variety of topics to educate about benefits of healthy foods and ways to promote health Questionnaires indicate interest on a variety of topics to educate about benefits of healthy foods and ways to promote health Extensive research illustrates important role diet & nutrition play in maintaining good health & preventing disease. Extensive research illustrates important role diet & nutrition play in maintaining good health & preventing disease. High rates of overweight/obesity among adults (+ more children) High rates of overweight/obesity among adults (+ more children) Nutrition professionals needed to educate people on nutrition Nutrition professionals needed to educate people on nutrition Education is a key factor in teaching people to improve their health Education is a key factor in teaching people to improve their health An e-newsletter is the best way to educate people, keep them informed and up-to-date on the latest nutrition information An e-newsletter is the best way to educate people, keep them informed and up-to-date on the latest nutrition information
Recommendations It is feasible to create a nutrition e-newsletter to educate people on importance of diet & nutrition It is feasible to create a nutrition e-newsletter to educate people on importance of diet & nutrition Benefits to people and their health worth time & effort to create a newsletter each month Benefits to people and their health worth time & effort to create a newsletter each month E-Newsletter = Valuable addition to your Nutrition Website E-Newsletter = Valuable addition to your Nutrition Website Further Research/Projects Recommended: Further Research/Projects Recommended: Methods of producing an E-newsletter Methods of producing an E-newsletter Men’s Nutrition Questionnaire distributed & data analyzed Men’s Nutrition Questionnaire distributed & data analyzed Gather an initial list of people interested in the Nutrition E-newsletter Gather an initial list of people interested in the Nutrition E-newsletter Include reference to the e-newsletter on your upcoming Nutrition Website Include reference to the e-newsletter on your upcoming Nutrition Website