CHAPTER 5 HUMAN GEOGRAPHY 3 key areas 1-population 2-cultures 3-languages & religions
Human Geography Terms: Demography Study of human populations Population Density # of people living per square mile (average) Population Distribution A study of where most people live Why are some areas more crowded than others? Reasons---
4 Great Clusters of people 1-East Asia 2-South Asia 3-Europe 4-Eastern part of North America
3 factors that affect population Birth rate # of births per 1,000 per year Death Rate # of deaths/1000 per year Migration Patterns Emigrants— Immigrants--
Push & Pull Factors for Migration Push Factors What forces people to leave? Examples: War Famine Drought, floods Lack of jobs discrimination Pull Factors What attracts people to different areas? Examples: Jobs Food Clean air/water freedom
Natural Increases of Population Don’t take migration into account Just looks at birth & death rates Highest increases—Africa & SW Asia Why?? Lowest increases-US, Europe, Australia, Japan Trends—more than 6 bill people on Earth Population grows by 80 mil per year
3 stages of demographic transition --population change 1 st stage High birth rates & high death rates Population? Reasons? 2 nd stage High birth rates and lower death rates Population? Reasons
3 rd stage Low birth rates & low death rates Population? Reasons?
Population Pyramids—graph of age of populations Create a pyramid Create a pyramid
CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY all the features of a people’s way of life Examples: Language, food, religion, clothing, art, architecture, values, technology Cultural Traits Activities & behaviors that people do Examples—reading, eating, writing,
How do cultures change? Innovation New ideas—need to be timesaving, useful & necessary Examples: Diffusion Innovation gets accepted and is spread around from person to person, group to group
How does Diffusion Occur? 1-relocation 2-communication 3-hierarchal—fashion & music centers spread their new trends What prevents diffusion? Immigration laws, mountains, deserts, lack of communication
Globalization vs. Traditionalism Globalization— Connections between countries increase Examples: Traditionalism— Following long time practices; opposing modern technology; like separation of cultures & ethnic groups Examples: Fundamentalism Belief in strict principles (religion) Examples:
Language Means of communicating ideas; pass skills & customs 3 types:
Religions 3 types Animist Polytheistic-many gods; traditional society Ethnic Focus on 1 group; doesn’t spread Universalizing Wants followers; monotheistic—1 god; use missionaries to spread religion to other places