By Olga, Amber and Braden 8A
Slide 1 – Title Slide 2 – Table of contentsSlide 9 – Question 6 Slide 3 – Question 1Slide 10 – Question 6 Slide 4 – Question 2Slide 11 –Question 7 Slide 5 – Question 3Slide 12 – Question 8 Slide 6 – Question 3Slide 13 – Question 8 Slide 7 – Question 4Slide 14- Facts Slide 8 – Question 5Slide 15 - References
The muscular systems role in the body is to allow you to move in all directions. They are also everywhere in our body from our eyelids to our pinkie toe. They also help pump our heart and twist are stomach to digest food. Our muscles not only help us but allow us to function during everyday life. Also our muscles are always working even when standing still, while they work they produce heat which keeps our body at a certain temperature.
There are 3 types of muscle tissues. First one is Skeletal. As the name suggests it is muscles that move your bones. Second one is Smooth muscle tissue. Most of your organs are made of this type of muscles. Another type is Cardiac muscle tissue. It is only found in the heart. Smooth tissue Skeletal tissue Cardiac tissue
Out of organs that make up muscle system the most important one is probably heart. It is made of cardiac muscle cells and contracts to pump blood through the body. Another one is stomach. It’s lining is made of smooth muscle tissue. It digests food you eat. Your biceps are made out of skeletal muscle tissue. They are working whenever you bend your arm.
First you bite your food, then chew, then swallow then your stromach digests the food, then it filters, the good and bad food,. The sugar, and vitamins go to our veins, and bad is filtered by our liver and it goes through the small, and to the big intestine, then it becomes waste.
The muscular system is connected to the nervous system because when you do something like leaning over to pick up something your conscious mind sends signal to your central nervous system with changes the signal into electrical impulses. These impulses are sent through your peripheral nervous system to the nerves responsible for controlling the muscles. When the impulse gets to its destination a chemical is released from the nerve ending which makes the muscle fibers contract. Although it feels as if this happens instantly it actually takes about 1 millisecond.
The muscular system is connected to the digestive system because when you eat you use muscles to chew and swallow food. The food them enters the stomach where the churning motions of the muscles make the stomach move and break up the food while mixing it with acid that digests it. As it contracts it moves and pushes, the food through the remainder of the digestive tract. Two types of muscle contractions that assist with the digestive system would be the muscle in the mouth which help you chew are skeletal muscles and are under voluntary control. The muscles in your stomach are smooth muscle tissue and are under involuntary control. Involuntary means we cant control it when our stomach moves, and voluntary means we can control it.
The muscular system is connected to the nervous system because we usually think before we move. Sometimes thinking isn’t even involved because the neurons in your nervous system are connected to most of your cells in the muscular system. The muscular system is also connected to the circulatory system because smooth muscle surrounds the circulatory system.
Cellstissuesorgansorgan systems organisms For example heart. Cardiac muscle cellscardiac tissue heart
One of the diseases is a congenital myopathy. It is a genetic disease. It causes overall muscle weakness at birth and it is incurable. There are different therapies to strengthen patient’s skeletal muscles though, but they don’t always help.
Another common disease is Muscular dystrophy. It is a group of diseases that defects the muscle protiens and causes death of muscle cells. Muscular dystrophy is a genetic deseace as well. It is caused by a mutation in X chromosome and mostly affects males. There is no cure for it.
You can maintain a healthy system by lifting weights or something called resistance training. Doing this two to three times a week can help strengthen muscles. Three other ways is to stay hydrated because your muscles are 70% water and eat a balanced diet. Also stretching regularly is good to keep them in shape.
Surgeon; They need to know how muscles work to do surgery on them and make sure they stay healthy. Their job is one of the most important, because if their was no surgeons, people would die off faster.
Muscle therapist; They are similar to surgeons but they don’t preform surgery, they massage the muscles, to make sure they are healthy, and make sure, there’s no knots. They make sure people are relaxed and make sure that their muscles are not tensed.
1.When you are cold sometimes you shiver, that is all your muscles contracting trying to produce heat. 2. Your fingers are flexed by the muscles in your forearm. 3.You can lose 5% of your muscle power for every day you lay in bed not moving. 4. When you smile you use about 30 muscles. 5.Your ring finger and middle fingers tendons connect you can test this by placing your hand flat on a table then try to pick up each one of your fingers without lifting another one.
Biology 4 Kids : htttp://www, htttp://www, Book: The human body: Readers Digest. Author: Laurie Berkelman Book: The human body. Author: Goodie Jr. Edwards Park and Editors of U.S News Books. Inner Body: