INTRODUCTION to World History Unit 1 – Africa Lesson 1 – Themes of Geography
Themes of Geography 1.Location 2.Place 3.Region 4.Movement / Direction 5.Environmental Interaction
1. LOCATION Defines where something is Two types: RELATIVE and ABSOLUTE ABSOLUTE: (precise, numerical digits) Example: “Africa is 0 degrees North, 20 degrees East”
1a. LOCATION RELATIVE defines where something is in relation to something else “Africa is EAST of South America”
2. PLACE Defined by everything IN it No real absolutes Example: (this place if filled with desks and students) Or… “Africa is a place where people live in primitive huts”
3. REGION Defines hazy boundaries where there are similar characteristics Example: “In Eastern US, most people work HARD for money, and live in a fast paced world.” Or… “Most people in Southern Africa live a slower paced life, not concerned about material things.”
4. Movement Defines how people, products, and even ideas go from one place to another GLOBAL MOVEMENT: “The ship sailed EAST from Africa to Australia” LOCAL MOVEMENT: “At the sound of the bell, students BOLTED out the door.”
5. INTERACTION WITH ENVIRONMENT Defined how people have worked with nature Examples: “Civilizations have always formed near rivers” Or… “solar cells and wind power will one day produce all electricity we ever need”
5a. INTERACTION WITH ENVIRONMENT Sometimes humans try to change nature Examples: “San Diego is a desert, but you’d never know it while living there” Or… “Ancient Chinese built canals to divert water for transportation”
5b. INTERACTION WITH ENVIRONMENT Usually, humans have to adapt to nature Examples: “Ancient Egyptians had to rebuild after the annual flooding” Or… “Japan is still suffering from the Tsunami, and New York will never be the same after Sandy”