Grants Overview RY D7610 Foundation Seminar August 21, 2010
District Simplified Grant? Matching Grant? 3-H Grant? Which Grant?
District Simplified GrantMatching Grant How big is the project?Up to around $1,500Must be at least $10,000 Who administers the grant?Our District 7610District 7610, with The Rotary Foundation Where will the project take place? May allow for local, as well as abroad Must take place outside of U.S. Is there a partner Rotary Club abroad? Not requiredYes – need a host country partner abroad (you are the int’l partner) How long will our project take to complete? Must be a project that can be finished in a year or less Can take more than a year Do Grants Terms and Conditions apply? Yes; and must file report with D7610 Yes; and must file report every 12 months with TRF Who do I contact for more information? Joe AkkaraJim Vollmer
District Simplified Grants Administered by district leadership DDF (maximum 20% of new DDF) Local or international projects District is sole sponsor
Matching Grants Matched funds for humanitarian endeavors –1:1 match for DDF –.5:1 match for cash Local and international sponsors Matching Grants (US$5,000 - $25,000) Competitive Matching Grants (US$25,001 - $150,000)
3-H Grants Long-term, self-help benefits Integrative approach Rotarian and beneficiary participation 2-4 years Previous Matching Grant partnership 10% minimum contribution
How Does Timing Work Out? District Simplified GrantMatching Grant When should we start planning for the project? President-Elect of Rotary Club should start thinking about it in spring of new RY. It takes about a year to plan the project and get everything in place. When should the Rotary Club submit final application to District? From 7/1 of new RY to 8/1.Plan to submit application to the District by May or June, so that the District may then submit the final signed application to TRF by 7/1 of the new RY. Once submitted, when is approval notified? 1 – 2 months Once approved, when is money sent? Fall of new RY1 -2 months When should Report be filed Interim Report and the Final Report by May 1 of new RY Every 12 months
Business Cycle (3-H) 1 July – 31 MarchSubmit 3-H proposals 1 AugustSubmit 3-H Grant application 1 NovemberFinalize 3-H Grant application December – FebruarySite visits conducted AprilFunding decision
How much District Designated Funds (DDF) was available for Matching Grants this year? We had $137,959 in DDF available for Matching Grant projects this Rotary Year ($96,740 for this RY + $41,219 from last RY). Our District will have used most of this allocated amount after submitting 14 MG applications, involving 17 Rotary Clubs from our District alone!
How much District Designated Funds (DDF) was available for District Simplified Grants this year? We had $39,203 in DDF available for District Simplified Grant projects this Rotary Year Our District will have used all of this allocated amount – we received 24 DSG applications, involving 45 Rotary Clubs from our District!
Where will all this $$$ go? For example: Londrina, Brazil Wum, Cameroon; Sunyani Central, Ghana; Pignon, Haiti; Kathmandu, Nepal; Turks and Caicos Islands; Joniskis, Lithuania; Rivne, Ukraine; Odessa, Ukraine; Smila, Ternipyl, and Bershad, Ukraine; USA (Virginia); and Luanshya, Zambia. Our District 7610 DDF will eventually end up in 10 countries around the world through Matching Grant Projects alone, not to mention countless local communities in our own District through our DSG Projects.
Keys to Success Project meets real needs of receiving community Project plan with goals and anticipated outcomes Rotarian, club, district, and community support Effective partnerships and communication Proper fiscal oversight – Rotarian participation and STEWARDSHIP!!!
Humanitarian projects Rotarian participation in projects Development of Rotary networks Spend consistently with TRF guidelines and approved application Vigilant oversight Appropriate Use of Funds
Construction/renovation Purchase of land or buildings Salaries of cooperating organization employees Cooperating organization expenses Post-secondary education International travel (except VSG & 3-H) Inappropriate Use of Funds
Establishment of foundation or trust Personal benefit Duplication of TRF or Rotary program Reimbursement of existing project Excessive support of beneficiary Inauguration parties or meetings Inappropriate Use of Funds
Stewardship TRF funds - sacred trust Competent and thorough supervision Standard business practice Implementing projects as approved Financial review of projects Timely and complete reporting Reporting irregularity to TRF
District Leadership District Rotary Foundation Committee Chair: PDG Travis White Authorize DDF Submit District Simplified Grant requests Maintain DDF records District Governor: DG Ron Marion Jointly authorize DDF with DRFCC District Grants Subcommittee: Chair, Suyong Min MG Chair Jim Vollmer, DSG Chair Joe Akkara Certify applications for completeness Authorize district-sponsored grant applications
District Simplified Grants? Joseph A. Akkara Tel. (703) , Matching Grants? Jim Vollmer Tel (703) , Grants in General? Suyong Min Tel (703) , Questions???
Click on Service and Fellowship, and then Humanitarian Grants /grants.htm Resources
Join Your Fellow Rotarians in Implementing a Humanitarian Grant Project Develop a Project Idea – give yourself plenty of time Find out what’s needed and how much funds you need Find a partner here and broad Call someone the Grants team Work out details of the project and fill out the application