FUND STRUCTURE SA Open Provident Fund - Umbrella Fund Participating employer – Knights College Defined Contribution Fund contributions defined benefit dependent on amount of net contributions plus/minus investment growth Provident Fund Retirement Age – 60 years
FUND STRUCTURE SA Open Provident Fund (12/8/21498) Trustees 4 independent trustees (Michael Owen Nosworthy, William Harry Pritchard Nash (PO), Stephen Bryce Truter and Madalene Brown Participating employerKnights College Michelle McMenamin Lesley Scott Fenella Potgieter Jessica Hattingh Carin Coode Participating employer
SERVICE PROVIDERS Administrators – Sanlam Insurers Death - Metropolitan Disability – Metropolitan Valuator – Krishen Sukdev (ABSA) Investment Manager – Momentum Manager of Managers (previously called Advantage) Benefit Consultants - Seshego
CONTRIBUTIONS Pensionable salary – 70% of TCTC Contributions are shown as a percentage of salary: Choice – 10%, 14% or 20% Employer contributions Costs (administration fees, risk costs and cost reserve) are deducted from contribution
CONTRIBUTIONS CONT. Costs Admin fee – R35 Death benefit 3x annual pensionable salary – 1.21% of salary 5x annual pensionable salary – 1.66% of salary Disability benefit 0.91% of salary Cost reserve – R Cost reserve = Auditor fees, ad hoc costs, FSB levies, etc
CONTRIBUTIONS CONT. Example: A member with a TCTC of R10,000 pm with a death benefit of 3x Pensionable salary = 70% of R10,000 = R7,000 10%14%20% ContributionR R R 1, Less costs: Admin feeFlat feeR Death benefit (3X)1.21% of R7,000R Disability benefit0.91% of R7,000R Cost reserveFlat feeR Towards retirement fundingR R R
RETIREMENT BENEFITS 100% benefit in cash Part cash and part annuity (annuity is monthly pension from an insurer) payable for life 100% annuity Tax on the cash portion Taxable amountRate of tax R0 – R % R – R % R – R % Amount exceeding R %
WITHDRAWAL BENEFITS Benefit = Share of fund Resignation / Retrenchment / Dismissal Options on exits Transfer to retirement annuity Transfer to preservation fund Transfer to new employer’s fund Cash Lump sum (taxed) Tax payable on cash lump sum Up to R % R to R % R – R % R and above -36%
DEATH COVER Once off choice 5X annual pensionable salary 3X annual pensionable salary NIL cover Premiums are tax deductible and the benefit taxed in same way as retirement benefit Fund policy (S37C applies) - S37C of Pension Funds Act states: It is the responsibility of the Trustees to distribute death benefits. Dependants have to be considered before all else Your Beneficiary Form is an important indication for the trustees as to your wishes Conversion option Continuation option – cover for disability claimants Exclusions Active participation in war and riots
DISABILITY COVER Monthly “salary” on disability Tax payable on monthly benefit as per tax tables 75% of monthly pensionable salary Disability cover not optional Annual Escalation – 5% or CPI 3 month waiting period Personal income disability policy – aggregate fund and personal policy Benefit ceases Reaches age 60 years (receive retirement benefit) Dies before age 60 years (receive death benefit) Recover
INVESTMENTS Elect single MIC portfolio Portfolio choices CPI plus 7% CPI plus 5%(default portfolio) CPI plus 3% Capital guarantee portfolio
MIC PORTFOLIOS PORTFOLIOSCOMMENTS CPI +7%Suitable for long term capital growth. For members who wish to maximise returns over long term and are capable of tolerating capital loss and volatility in the short to medium term. CPI + 5%Suitable for moderate capital growth. For members who want a sound return over the medium term and are capable of tolerating some capital loss and volatility over the short to medium term. CPI + 3%Suitable for targeting some capital growth. For members who do not need high returns to achieve their retirement planning goals, and do not want to tolerate too much risk of capital loss or volatility over the short to medium term. Capital preservation portfolio Suitable for a short term investment time horizon. Highly liquid portfolio invested in short term money market instruments. This may be suitable for members with low tolerance for volatility. However, this portfolio is not likely to generate real returns on an after-tax basis.
WHAT IS BEING MADE AVAILABLE Member Booklet Special Rules New Member Presentation Member Investment Choice Summary Sheet November 2011 Fund Fact Sheets Annual Trustees Report (2011) Communiqué: Q4 of 2011 Registration process for Retirement Fund website Expression of Wish Form A website page with the communication on