1 Multi-Jurisdiction Recalls Future of Co-operation And Inter-Agency Recalls
2 ƒKey U.S. Product Safety Regulations: CPSA, FHSA, PPPA, FFA, VGBPSSA, CGBPA, and RSA ƒHealth Canada Product Safety Regulations: HPA, Food & Drug Act Cosmetics Regs, Department of Health Act Soon: Canada Consumer product Safety Act Product Safety Regulations
3 Agency Powers ƒKey differences in Legislated Powers: –US CPSC has mandatory reporting requirement in USA, Monetary Penalty schedule –Health Canada does not have mandatory reporting requirement in Canada, uses Advisory as necessary, can place product under seizure
4 Agency Responsibilities ƒKey differences in Product Categories regulated: –US CPSC responsible for consumer products, including ATV's and electrical products, excluding Cosmetics –Health Canada responsible for consumer products, DC powered electrical products and Cosmetics, excluding ATV's
5 What is a Recall? ƒAll recalls are voluntary and were posted with the consent of the company. These postings include the following actions: –Stop sale –Product removal –Corrective Action on Affected Product –Design Change for Future Stock –Investigate cause of problem –Customer support –Communication strategy
6 Volumetrics Recalls are defined as stop sale + corrective action + publicity (minimum: posting to website) Recalls Posted in 2009 (calendar year) ƒ 396 posted by CPSC (137 of these Sold in Canada and USA) ƒ 305 posted by HC (168 Sold only in Canada)
7 Levels of Inter-Agency Cooperation Various levels of cooperation: ƒRecall posted independent of other agencies National: ƒAgree to post common message on multiple sites (eg: HC with TC or CPSC with DOT/NHTSA) ƒHC is negotiating MOU’s with ESA (Electrical Safety Authority) & TC (Transport Canada) ƒCPSC have signed an Interagency Agreement with DOT/NHTSA International: ƒAgree to post common message and sync timing ƒAgree to Joint Recall Posting ƒCPSC and HC have signed an MOU
8 Criteria for Cooperative Recalls CPSC-HC: ƒProduct sold in both countries ƒCorrective measures and customer support extended to customers in both countries ƒTiming works for CPSC, HC & Company ƒHave agreement from company to share all information with both jurisdictions early in the process ƒRecall is conducted voluntarily
9 CPSC Procedures for Joint Recalls ƒInitial contact made with Health Canada to confirm joint recall and company agreement to share information between HC and CPSC ƒPeriodic updates between company, HC, and CPSC to determine case status and time frames ƒDraft press releases shared to ensure accuracy and consistency of language (Joint Header) ƒDate of release coordinated between HC, CPSC, and the company ƒLinks placed on both HC and CPSC websites
10 Joint Health Canada- US CPSC Recall postings As of Feb 2010, 25 Joint HC-CPSC recalls posted Features: ƒAgency Seal on header, banner indicate joint recall, Media contacts for both agencies (on CPSC site) ƒNumbers of product sold in each country, injuries and incidents reported in each country, web links to each others' websites (on BOTH sites) ƒAdvantages: greater exposure in both countries in more languages (Spanish, French), reduction in burden and delays in negotiating + posting, synchronized time of posting with common message
13 Disclaimer "This presentation has not been reviewed or approved by the Commission and may not reflect its views “ - US CPSC
14 Contacts Marc Schoem, Office of Compliance and Field Operations, CPSC tel:(301) Mark Veitch, National Coordination Division, CPSD, HC tel: