The Duck Flute By Grace Peacore
Questions n How do you make a duck flute? n How do you make different pitches on a duck flute? n What kinds of duck flutes are there? n What is the difference between the different types of duck flutes?
Materials n 5 straws n Scissors n Power point n Thumb drive
Hypotheses n I think a duck flute of shorter length will make a higher pitch. n I think a duck flute of longer length will make a deeper pitch. n I think a slide duck flute will make a higher pitch when I slide the smaller straw up and a lower pitch when I slide it down. n I think a duck flute with holes will make a deeper pitch with both holes covered and a higher pitch with less or no holes covered.
Making The Duck Flute n I made a duck flute by flattening a straw and cutting it. I cut a double reed on one end and then I cut the double reed end into a point. n To make a slide duck flute I made a regular duck flute but put a smaller straw inside the flute so I could slide it. n To make the duck flute with holes in it I just cut holes in the regular flute. n I made duck flutes of different lengths
Observations n When I blew through the shorter duck flute it made a higher pitch. n When I blew through the longer duck flute it made a lower pitch. n The higher you push the slide straw the higher the sound gets and the lower you push the slide straw the deeper the sound gets. n When I covered more holes on the duck flute with holes it made a deeper pitch and the less holes I covered it made a higher pitch.
Conclusions n I learned how to make a duck flute using straws. n I also learned the shorter the instrument the higher the pitch and the longer the instrument the deeper pitch. n The duck flute takes a lot of energy to play because you have to move your lips a lot and you have to blow hard. n You can make many kinds of duck flutes (short, long, with a slide, and with holes). n The slide duck flute is hard to play and makes higher and lower pitches as you slide it up and down. It is hard to tell there is a difference while moving the slide up and down. n The duck flute with holes makes different pitches depending on how many holes are covered. n The sound of the duck flute is hard to keep going. n I wonder if there are any other kinds of duck flutes and if they get different results?