Information Systems By: Taran Nijjar Time to learn about a career in...
Information Systems Description Information Systems take IT and apply it to the Business World Combination of technology and people to collect, compute and send information Processing information for a company by creating and running Information Systems Work mainly in offices Can also work in labs, industrial plants or from home Stressful job, specifically during a system crash Job Titles: Information Systems Analysts/Consultants Can be promoted to Information Systems Manager
Work Hours Usually 40 hours per week (8 hours a day) May need to work a lot more hours if deadlines are coming up
Earning Potential Consultants/Analysts Starting salary: $48, 360 Avg. Salary: $68,305 Information Systems Managers Avg. Salary: $92,561 Possibly earn over $100,000
High School Education Requirements Required courses: MHF4U – Advanced Functions (University) ENG4U – English (University) MCV4U– Calculus and Vectors (University) SPH4u - Physics (University) Other courses: Business Chemistry Computer Science
Education/Training Post-Secondary Education - University A Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree from University in: Computer Science/Engineering Software Engineering Business Administration College degree in Computer Science An internship at a business is very helpful Training from a software company's training program Continuing learning (on the job)
Education/Training Locations Universities: Toronto, York, Windsor, Waterloo and more Colleges: Northern, Algonquin, George Brown, Humber and more Internships and company training located at company offices Example University Courses: Information Systems Analysis and Design Database Design and Management Information Technology for Networked Organizations IT Governance
Qualifications Bachelor's/Master's Degree or College Degree Certification from a company (if you participated in their training program) Experience in computer programming, software engineeringor data administration
Possible Employers - Peel Telecommunications Companies (Rogers - Brampton) Tech Companies (HP - Mississauga) The IT Departments of companies (Edward Jones - Brampton) Government (City of Brampton) Self-Employed
Bibliography "Computer Information Systems Salary | CIS Salary." Accredited Online Degrees | Online Degree Programs | Top Online Schools | LendingTree, LLC, n.d. Web. 10 Sept " Computer and Information Systems Managers." Doublethink Inc., n.d. Web. 10 Sept "Information Management Programs at Ontario Colleges |" College Information - Ontario Colleges | OCAS Application Services Inc., n.d. Web. 10 Sept "Information Systems Analysts and Consultants." Doublethink Inc., n.d. Web. 10 Sept "Information Systems Analysts and Consultants - Service Canada." Bienvenue àService Canada | Welcome to Service Canada. The Government of Canada, 6 July Web. 10 Sept "Job Finder - Information Systems." MyBlueprint. Doublethink Inc., n.d. Web. 10 Sept Martinez, Carlos, and Margaret Rouse. "What is IS (information system or information services)? - Definition from" Computer Glossary, Computer Terms - Technology Definitions and Cheat Sheets from - The Tech Dictionary and IT Encyclopedia. TechTarget, n.d. Web. 10 Sept "Requirements » IS & IT » Undergraduate Programs » Department of Business Administration." Homepage | College of Business at Illinois. University of Illinois, n.d. Web. 10 Sept "eINFO Find a Program." eINFO Home Page. Ontario Universities' Application Center, n.d. Web. 10 Sept "eINFO Program Details - Co-op Computer Science, Mathematics & Statistics." eINFO Home Page. Ontario Universities Application Centre, n.d. Web. 10 Sept