Ghana Shyama Sundara O Beautiful dark- complexioned Lord Ghana Shyama; Your beauty is incomparable and matchless
Bansi Dhara Hey Krishna Kanhaiya O Lord Krishna, You hold the Divine Flute known as ‘Aakarshani’, made of gold with the quality of captivating the entire Universe
Tuhi Merey Maa Baap Bhaiyya O You are my Divine Mother, Father and Brother,
Ghana Shyama Sundara O Beautiful dark-complexioned Lord Ghana Shyama; Your beauty is incomparable and matchless
Devaki Tanaya Hey Nanda Lala O Darling Son of mother Devaki and foster-father Nanda’s beloved child
Deena Baandava Dwaraka Naatha O Lord of Dwaraka! O Nourisher of the entire Universe! You are the closest kith and kin of the afflicted and miserable ones
Radha Hrudaya Nivaasa Harey Krishna O Lord Krishna! You are the Lord who resides in the heart of Mother Radha; With Your grace Her mind is eternally fixed on Your divine name and form
Madhu Soodana Murali Dhara O The Holder of the Divine Flute, You are the slayer of the demon Madhu
Partheeshwara Sathya Saieshwara O Lord Sathya Sai of Parthi! You are the same Supreme Being Lord Krishna, who has now come down to uplift humanity