By Becky
Hindus say that Brahma is the Creator of the Universe. He is The first member of the Hindu Trinity this also includes Shiva And Vishnu. He is their main God.
Shiva is commonly known by The Hindus as the Destroyer And is the third member of The Hindu Trinity. He is lord Of mercy and protects People from things such as Greed.
Vishnu is commonly Known as the saver (or the Preserver ) and seems to Be the most powerful of The Hindu Trinity for he Made Brahma from the Lotus flower.
Lakshmi is the goddess of Beauty, wealth, light and Good fortune. She is the wife Vishnu and provides him with Wealth and good luck to Preserve and save people
Devi is the goddess Of power and is Universally known as the Mother Goddess. She is the Divine Female and is Worshipped the most by the Hindu Gurkhas.
Ganesha is the remover of Obstacles he is also god of Wisdom and is son of Shiva and Parvarti.
Krishna is a reincarnation of Vishnu and has a few different Forms sometimes he is a child Sometimes a flute-player who Calls people’s souls and Sometimes a great leader.