H ISTORY OF THE F LUTE By: Mallari McClaran
T ABLE OF C ONTENTS Many different sounds Theobald Boehm Appearance has changed dramatically Eighth note- two eighth notes equals one quarter note. Quarter Note- Two quarter notes equals one half note. Half Note-two half notes equals one whole note. Whole Note
M ANY D IFFERENT S OUNDS Most flutes were very high pitch. Some sounds were even to high to hear. People first used them for animal calls.
Uses and sounds have changed a lot over the years. People now use their sound to make beautiful music. This is a musical staff. This is what composers use to write down music notes.
T HEOBALD B OEHM Theobald was the son of a goldsmith. He was also the great mastermind who created the flute. Boehm studied the flute at Ludwin Maximilian University of Munich. Theobald opened his first factory in In 1832 he created the so-called Boehm flute
Keys Air Hole This is flutes might have looked like when they were earlier invented. Air Hole Finger holes
A PPEARANCE H AS C HANGED Since 10,000 B.C flutes appearance has changed a lot. They used to be made out of wood. That is why they are considered woodwind instruments. They did not stay wood for long because if the weather was bad the flute would not play right. Wooden Flute Piccolo Alto Flute Concert Flute
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F LUTE The flute is the most interesting because of all the changes it has had. Theobald Boehm is brilliant for coming up with such an idea. He is the best inventor ever!
B IBLIOGRAPHY /W ORK C ITED (2008)”Music.” World Book (2008) “Wind Instruments. ” World Book