Review for 6 weeks Test Prehistoric Music 50,000 BC- 450 Medieval Ages Music
invading and defeating the Romans The Greeks were concerned with the Roman occupation explaining and defining the natural world the exploration of the north
glassmaking The Bronze age included all of the following except: metal working textile weaving boat building
The Middle Ages lasted approximately 1000 years. It started in…
I wrote an encyclopedia of herbal medicines Guillame Dufay John Dunstable Hildegard von Bingen Guillame de Machut
Prehistoric music was primarily vocal, either sticks and rocks hummed or whistled none of the above drums and flutes
Troubadors and minstrels were resident musicians not musicians traveling musicians employed by the state
I was known as an "Ars Nova" composer from Guillame Dufay Guillame de Machut John Dunstable HIldegard Von Bingen
Pythagoras A Greek mathematician A Roman mathematician A Greek sympathizer A Mesopotamian philosopher
I was a noted astronomer, mathematician as well as a composer Guillame Dufay Guillame de Machaut John Dunstable Hildegard von Bingen
Rhythm probably evolved from the telegraph machine a rhythm machine mimicking of birds sounds made from primitive tools
What is secular music? Church Music “Non- Church” Music Music Played by Sects Sectarian Music
The "UR tablet" is sometimes referred to as a party song the oldest known song a 5 tone scale a 12 tone scale
What is secular music? Church Music “Non- Church” Music Music Played by Sects Sectarian Music
Early plain song usually sung by monks in the church is: Pope Chant Gregorian Chant Plain Chant Monk Chant
During , I inaugurated the Renaissance era of music Guillame Dufay Guillame de Machut John Dunstable Hildegard von Bingen
Music with 2 or more alternating voices is: monophonic the "Ur tablet" antiphonal the "Ur tablet" Egyptian
Mesopotamia is known as land of opportunity cradle of the known world cradle of civilization land of the giants
What is liturgical music? Church Music “Non- Church” Music Music Played by Sects Sectarian Music
The land of Mesopotamia is present day Iran Syria Iraq Greece
The Bronze age included all of the following except: glassmaking textile weaving boat building metal working
The fall of the Roman empire BC 45,000
Apollo and Orpheus were 2 Greek Philosophers Mathematicians Gods Scientist
The Babylonians began to incorporate the first musical scales that were 5 and 7 tones 12 tones 440hz sung in churches
The oldest bone flute is considered to be the The Neon Flute The Neanderthal Flute The “Old Bone” Flute The Prehistoric Flute
Modern Day Scales (Western Scales) are tempered to what frequency? 1440 hz 440 hz Hz95 Hc101
A Failure to plan is a sure Plan to Failure…