5-sense tour of Menominee Tribal School
Menominee Tribal School MTS is a tribally controlled grant school through the Bureau of Indian Education Located in northeast Wisconsin on the Menominee Indian Reservation K-8 school serving 220 Native American children
What do you see when you first come to MTS? Mural of the clan systemStudent-made mural Photos of our school representatives in their traditional regalia
Our cafeteria Menominee PledgeStudent Artwork Elder Photos
Our hallways Murals on the walls Messages from the Elders
More Hallways More murals in stairwells Positive family-themed posters featuring native families Labels with the language Native-themed door labels for staff Native-themed posters from Native Reflections catalogue
Our gymnasium Paintings of the Seven Grandfather Teachings made by guest artist and students Photo of Billy Mills, Native American Olympian; Native-themed border in gym
Bulletin Boards Ketapanen Message from Fostering Futures Initiative PBIS Bear PAW award displays Native-themed Christmas bulletin board Seven Grandfather Teachings poster featuring our Menominee youth Bulletin Boards featuring icons from other cultures
Our classrooms Standard in every classroom: Clocks in both Menominee and English Menominee Vision and Mission Statement Calendar with Menominee headings Menominee Nation Flag and United States Flag Menominee Prayer for Food Native-themed children’s literature Items labeled with Menominee words
Unique to each classroom Murals Artwork Various posters
More classrooms
What do you hear when you come to Menominee Tribal School? Flute music Pow-wow music Menominee language Cultural teachings
What do you smell when you come to Menominee Tribal School? Smudging each week Maple syrup at family breakfast
What do you taste when you come to Menominee Tribal School? Wild rice at fall feast Sugar cakes at sugar camp Maple syrup at spring breakfast
What do you feel when you come to Menominee Tribal School?
Three Sisters Garden
Celebrating 25 years of Menominee Tribal School August 1990-August 2015