Chapter 21 Sounds Like, Smells Like Words About Hearing and Smelling
1. resonant Adj. When Tate sings, his resonant tone is recognized by all his adoring fans. Sounding again
2. sonorous adj. Lying in the hammock, Kelly relished the sonorous backdrop of chirping crickets and humming bees. A full rich sound
3. reverberate -verb It is fun to yell into a canyon and then hear what you said reverberate back. to whip back
4. acoustic -adj. Jamie liked to play her new acoustic guitar for anyone who would listen. An instrument whose sound is free of electronic effect.
5. timbre -noun Indefinable qualities of a sound that distinguish it from sounds identical in pitch and volume Even the untrained ear can distinguish the timbre of a flute from that of a bassoon.
6. tintinnabulation - noun The sound of the ringing of bells tinnitis – noun a persistent ringing sound in the ear While we generally think of the sound of bells as pleasant, anyone who has suffered even briefly from tinnitus can tell you the sound is maddening
7. noisome -adj Unpleasant or dangerous smells Students passing by the wrestling room complained about the noisome odors filtering out into the halls, so the coach ordered the doors to be kept shut.
8. redolent -adj A good fragrance or aromatic smell A full week after receiving flowers from her boyfriend, her room remained redolent with their fresh smell.
9. pungent - adj. Sharp smells that may be pleasant or otherwise The pungent smell of the spoiled butter was so overpowering that Jenny could not smell anything else for the rest of the evening.
10. odoriferous -adj Having a smell Having too many onions on his hamburger made Jonah’s breath a little too odoriferous for a peasant good- night kiss.
Chapter 22 Battle Talk
1. spat -noun A brief quarrel, usually fought with a few mean words After their spat over which movie to see, the Jensens made up over a nice evening out to dinner instead.
2. Bicker -verb A quarrel, usually over petty matters The couple’s constant bickering drove their landlord crazy, and she finally asked them to move out of the building.
3. dispute noun/verb Sam was certain that his answer on the test was right so he disputed his score with his teacher. After he realized his answer was wrong, he felt bad over the dispute. Engaging in an argumentative discussion
4. squabble verb/noun A verbal argument over something pretty trivial (squabbles are more noisy than disputes) A squabble over who gets to play with the iPad kept the two sisters busy all afternoon.
5. tussle noun/verb When the two football players fought for the ball on the forty- seventh-yard line, one of them lost his helmet in the tussle. A rough struggle
6. wrangle noun/verb A noisy quarrel After wrangling an hour over what to do for the evening, they realized it was too late to go out at all.
7. contention noun The act of striving to win in a competition or debate. The soccer team played their hearts out in a fierce contention to win the cup.
8. altercation -noun A vehement quarrel, usually verbal Mom had to stop the altercation between the twins when they began to fight over the teddy bear their grandma had given them.
9. dissent -verb To disagree or differ in opinion The students dissented with the teacher about doing homework over the weekend, but the teacher still assigned it anyway.
10. irreconcilable -adj Impossible to bring into harmony or agreement Since one of a the roommates was a slob and the other was a meticulous cleaner, their dispute was irreconcilable.