Atlantis Investment Incentives City Meets Cape Town Chamber of Business 12 th June 2014 Alderman Belinda Walker, Mayoral Committee Member for Community Services and Special Projects
Atlantis – Creating Linkage Saldanha Labour Pool Potential Atlantis Labour Pool
Perceptions of Atlantis
Incentives Financial Waiver of building plan and land use application fees Discounted development charges (up to R1m debt deferral and/or write-off for civil and electrical DCs) Electricity tariff reduction Broadband connection fee waiver (located within 300m of City network) Non-financial Single point investment facilitation function (One-stop-shop) Development application fast tracking - 5 days building plans - 3 months land-use applications - 2 months environmental authorization Regularly updated spatial economic information Access to skills development opportunities Biodiversity offset
Uptake Green Technology Hub Gestamp: 220 jobs – 75% from Atlantis Some Numbers 50 companies have taken up incentives R5m in savings for companies from financial incentives Leveraged R500 million in new industry investment Over 500 new jobs Retained over 1000 jobs
Way Forward Partnering with Business Mr Atlantis Atlantis Industrial Initiative Wesfleur: Mayoral Urban Regeneration Programme Next Steps Marketing plan Continual updating and revision of investment incentives (Investor satisfaction survey currently underway) Early detection for businesses in distress SEZ One stop shop
Thank you