TETRA Experience 2006 POLAND
Deputy Chief Constable Mr Ricky Gray Strathclyde Police Airwave Lead/Senior User
G8 Wednesday July
Northern Grampian Tayside Lothian & Borders Dumfries & Galloway Strathclyde Central Scotland Fife Gleneagles
Northern Grampian Tayside Lothian & Borders Dumfries & Galloway Strathclyde Central Scotland Point of Entry Prestwick Airport Fife
Arrivals by day 6-8 July 2005
Northern Grampian Tayside Lothian & Borders Dumfries & Galloway Strathclyde Central Scotland Fife Coldplay Live Bellahouston 1-2 July 2005
Northern Grampian Tayside Lothian & Borders Dumfries & Galloway Strathclyde Central Scotland Edinburgh Poverty March Saturday 2 July ,000 people Fife
Northern Grampian Tayside Lothian & Borders Dumfries & Galloway Strathclyde Central Scotland Fife Special Olympics Glasgow Saturday 2 July 2005
Northern Grampian Tayside Lothian & Borders Dumfries & Galloway Strathclyde Central Scotland Fife Protest March Edinburgh Sunday 3 July 2005
Northern Grampian Tayside Lothian & Borders Dumfries & Galloway Strathclyde Central Scotland Faslane Monday 4 July 2005 Faslane Monday 4 July 2005 Fife
Northern Grampian Tayside Lothian & Borders Dumfries & Galloway Strathclyde Central Scotland Dungavel Tuesday 5 July 2005 Fife
Northern Grampian Tayside Lothian & Borders Dumfries & Galloway Strathclyde Central Scotland Fife Prestwick Airport to Gleneagles Wednesday 6 July 2005
Northern Grampian Tayside Lothian & Borders Dumfries & Galloway Strathclyde Central Scotland Fife Live 8 Concert Murrayfield 6 July 2005
Northern Grampian Tayside Lothian & Borders Dumfries & Galloway Strathclyde Central Scotland Fife Glasgow Edinburgh Stirling Convergence Sites
London Bombings 7 July 2005
Northern Grampian Tayside Lothian & Borders Dumfries & Galloway Strathclyde Central Scotland Fife Scottish Open Golf Loch Lomond 8-11 July 2005
Northern Grampian Tayside Lothian & Borders Dumfries & Galloway Strathclyde Central Scotland Fife T in the Park Kinross 8-11 July 2005
Largest Police Force Assembled 12,000 Officers 51 Forces from the U.K. contributed
Business as Usual
G8 - Gleneagles Hotel Alan Lee Association of Chief Police Officers Scotland. Airwave Programme Manager
Ready For Service Dates (RFS) Dumfries and Galloway - 16th July 2004 Lothian and Borders - 11th October 2004 Central Scotland - 8th November 2004 Fife - 30th November 2004 Tayside - (Host Event Force) - 10th December 2004 Strathclyde - 17th December 2004
RFS - Continued Grampian - 2nd March 2005 Northern - 10th May 2005 All Forces now migrated BTP Scottish Crime & Drug Enforcement Agency (SCDEA)
G8 - Planning Started in Q1- 04 Project SORBUS - Summer 2004 How did a ‘National Network’ influence planning?
Network Performance How did it perform? Did it meet the user requirements and expectations? Did the user community truly understand the concept of a ‘National Network’? Did the partnership work between the Police and the Service Provider?
Gleneagles Calls per hour
Gleneagles Minutes Activity
Edinburgh Calls per hour
Edinburgh Minutes Activity
Otterburn Northumbria
Lessons Learnt closer relationship between operational and communications planners operational orders and briefings 30 police mutual aid talkgroups - is that enough? do we need to think again regarding national talkgroups?
G8 Airwave Communications
Date: As at 01/07/05Users: 272Percentage:4% NE & ND
Scoping Demand 10 days of activity 51 UK Forces 12,000 Resources 4000 trained In Force Multiple venues in and outside Force area
Arrivals by day 6-8 July 2005
Talkgroup Management
Activity for Talkgroup O2PMA18 (19708) - 5 July 2005 Hour Commencing July
Lessons Learned Real Time Information on System Performance is Essential National Management of Talkgroup allocation is essential for Major Events The number of Mandatory Talkgroups and their presentation in Police Control Rooms must be reviewed.
Lessons Learned Common Naming conventions and briefing is required to facilitate interoperability. Radio discipline Operational briefing - Travelling/at venue
Northern Grampian Tayside Lothian & Borders Dumfries & Galloway Strathclyde Central Scotland Fife
Communications Activity Analysis During the G8 Summit
Recommendations 1 That this report is made available to all police forces regardless of their involvement with the G8 Operation 2 That policies and instructions in relation to aiding detachments travelling and at a staging or rendezvous point take account of the implications of monitoring multiple operational talkgroups 3 That where large numbers of users are to gather at a staging or rendezvous point within a force other than that hosting the event, that any liaison takes place with the force hosting that rendezvous point in relation to any potential communications implications 4 That where aiding detachments are used in policing of large events the hosting force continues to stress the implications of monitoring inappropriate talkgroups and continues to “police” the activity through radio sites serving the event with the assistance of the service provider
Recommendations 5 The service providers appear to be committed to geographically constraining talkgroups in consultation with the owner of each talkgroup. This work will only start after all clusters are connected and it is likely to take a considerable period to complete. With the experiences of this policing event, where appropriate, forces should consider approaching service providers to have all talkgroups belonging to aiding detachments removed from critical radio sites supporting any event 6 The long term decision about which talkgroups will be allowed on what radio sites will be taken by individual forces. In the light of the G8 operation, the service as a whole should consider if there is a need for corporate guidelines in relation to the constraint of geographical areas associated with operational talkgroups carrying heavy voice traffic
Recommendations 7 That when using Police Mutual Aid talkgroups forces consider specifying on which radio sites these talkgroups should be enabled 8 That forces consider the need for and advantages of detailed surveys of best serving radio sites or detailed analysis of radio activity in operational use when planning high profile operational events so that where necessary activity on all radio sites supporting the event can take place 9 That all forces are made aware of the limit of 2,000 radios affiliating to a single radio site and the potential operational implications for large policing operations in the future
Future of Airwave in Scotland All forces migrate onto system The building of a ground base network resilient system ‘Hot mirror’ switch Development of mobile information Blue light interop
Mr Ricky Gray Deputy Chief Constable Thank You
TETRA Experience 2006 POLAND