Encarnacao Alliance Bringing Christ’s Love to the World’s Slum-dwellers Bringing Christ’s Love to the World’s Slum-dwellers
Who are the Encarnacao Alliance? A network of urban poor ministries A network of urban poor ministries From Asia, Africa and Latin America From Asia, Africa and Latin America Incarnational ministry among the poor Incarnational ministry among the poor Servants, Servant Partners, Kairos, and many indigenous movements Servants, Servant Partners, Kairos, and many indigenous movements Movements preparing to evangelize Movements preparing to evangelize 3,500 cities. Seeking to mobilize 50,000 new cross cultural workers to the slums by ,500 cities. Seeking to mobilize 50,000 new cross cultural workers to the slums by 2010.
Encarnacao Alliance Vision The vision of the Alliance is to see churches established that proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God among the slum dwellers of the world’s poorest cities and model true Christian living on the example of Jesus Christ.
Encarnacao Alliance Training Commission Macro goals Macro goals To train urban poor church planters To train urban poor church planters To train urban poor community development workers To train urban poor community development workers To network city leaders To network city leaders To develop a Kingdom perspective in God’s servants To develop a Kingdom perspective in God’s servants Micro Goals Micro Goals Train facilitators who will be able to; Train facilitators who will be able to; - Provide training - Disciple, pastor and mentor interns - Help interns become successful in their mission - Empower the interns to train others
Who are the people we are training for servanthood in the slums? Grass roots indigenous volunteers who want to plant churches or commence a community development projects Grass roots indigenous volunteers who want to plant churches or commence a community development projects Adults over 18 years of age who are semi-literate to literate Adults over 18 years of age who are semi-literate to literate Unbelievers who want to follow Christ in the slum Unbelievers who want to follow Christ in the slum Committed Christians who may have not yet been discipled Committed Christians who may have not yet been discipled Men and women recommended by the city leadership and in good standing with their local Church leadership Men and women recommended by the city leadership and in good standing with their local Church leadership
EATC has two main strategies that have been developed over the last 2 years from 2004 to 2006 A Grass roots training program that has developed into the idea of grass roots learning networks in each City A Grass roots training program that has developed into the idea of grass roots learning networks in each City A graduate program; specifically a Masters of Arts in Transformational Urban Leadership to be introduced in five seminaries/universities for training transformational urban poor movement leaders and trainers A graduate program; specifically a Masters of Arts in Transformational Urban Leadership to be introduced in five seminaries/universities for training transformational urban poor movement leaders and trainers
The Grass Roots program report.. Started in January 2005 in Manila and Chennai, then later in Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Kampala. Started in January 2005 in Manila and Chennai, then later in Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Kampala. It started as a formal training seminar in a classroom/retreat centre and later moved to an incarnational slum setting using more informal learning approaches It started as a formal training seminar in a classroom/retreat centre and later moved to an incarnational slum setting using more informal learning approaches
Approaches have changed.. The initial concept was the development of learning CD’s and DVD’s that individual pastors would use to train 5-10 disciples for work among the poor The initial concept was the development of learning CD’s and DVD’s that individual pastors would use to train 5-10 disciples for work among the poor It has now evolved to the creation of a voluntary learning network or urban poor workers in each city, meeting every 3months for 1-2 days focussing on one of twelve topics from an urban poor church planters curriculum, using a lecture, testimony, drama, and prayer format. It has now evolved to the creation of a voluntary learning network or urban poor workers in each city, meeting every 3months for 1-2 days focussing on one of twelve topics from an urban poor church planters curriculum, using a lecture, testimony, drama, and prayer format.
At this gathering we want to learn from each other…. And continue to develop a grass roots training program that will multiply indigenous urban poor workers And continue to develop a grass roots training program that will multiply indigenous urban poor workers And develop a mission movement from the slums to the slums targeting another 35 cities over the next 2 years And develop a mission movement from the slums to the slums targeting another 35 cities over the next 2 years
There are two main thrusts of the Grass roots training happening at present…. 1. Moving existing pastors and urban workers into the slums from surrounding areas through a one week incarnational training approach, e.g. a trainer living in the slum for a week and inviting others to join him in the slum. Bryan is doing this at present……..are there others who want to do this as well?
2. The development of a learning network meeting every three months where leaders bring their disciples for training in grass roots urban poor ministry. This approach has an ongoing impact on the city towards the urban poor and encourages existing workers to engage in disciple making and bring those disciples to the learning network training days, where they tell their story in drama and learn from other workers stories and experiences in a stimulating and fun way that can communicate to both literate and illiterate workers.
A new third thrust is emerging… 3. The sending of indigenous urban poor workers from one city to another to pioneer urban poor ministry in another city… The urban poor church becomes a missionary sending church… The urban poor church becomes a missionary sending church… The emergence of urban poor missionary sending agencies, denominations and churches. The emergence of urban poor missionary sending agencies, denominations and churches.
What methods are used to train the indigenous and cross cultural workers? “Andragogical” methods appropriate for adult learners with experiences relevant to the learning process “Andragogical” methods appropriate for adult learners with experiences relevant to the learning process Oral methods of learning appropriate to illiterate learners Oral methods of learning appropriate to illiterate learners Disciple making of novices in groups of 3-6 Disciple making of novices in groups of 3-6 The use of drama and testimony interpreting life experiences in slum ministry The use of drama and testimony interpreting life experiences in slum ministry Practical skills based on site learning Practical skills based on site learning Use of a website and a training cd for those leaders with computer skills and access, who become coordinators of the learning network Use of a website and a training cd for those leaders with computer skills and access, who become coordinators of the learning network
Training Goals An holistic worldview An holistic worldview Trainers and learners will develop an holistic biblical worldview integrating the physical, spiritual, social and wisdom needs of the community Trainers and learners will develop an holistic biblical worldview integrating the physical, spiritual, social and wisdom needs of the community Biblical Authority Biblical Authority Trainers and learners will be committed to the authority of the Bible in the teaching of the kingdom of God and implementing its mandate. Trainers and learners will be committed to the authority of the Bible in the teaching of the kingdom of God and implementing its mandate. Mark 16v15 Mark 16v15
Training foundations are based on the Biblical foundations that… Jesus the embodiment Jesus the embodiment Jesus is the example of the person a Trainer Jesus is the example of the person a Trainer aspires to be and the incarnation of the Kingdom of God citizen on earth aspires to be and the incarnation of the Kingdom of God citizen on earth The Holy Spirit the executor The Holy Spirit the executor The Holy Spirit is the person of the Trinity who incarnates Jesus Christ in the life of the Trainer to fulfill the mandate of the Kingdom The Holy Spirit is the person of the Trinity who incarnates Jesus Christ in the life of the Trainer to fulfill the mandate of the Kingdom
Definition The Kingdom of God The Kingdom of God “The kingdom is a redemed social order under the reign of the Christlike God in which every relationship is Christlike, and each individual and social group – the family, the trade organisation, the State – comes not to be ministered unto but to minister, as perfect as the Father in heaven is perfect, and the whole of humanity incarnates the love of God as embodied in Jesus of Nazareth:” Dr Henry S Coffin, WCC, Missions Conference, Dr Henry S Coffin, WCC, Missions Conference, Edinburgh, 1910 Edinburgh, 1910
The Kingdom has a holistic impact on human and social order On people On people Body, Mind, Spirit Body, Mind, Spirit People are creating societies People are creating societies Jesus Christ is impacting people through the power of the kingdom of God at work in their lives Jesus Christ is impacting people through the power of the kingdom of God at work in their lives There is a conflict of powers and kingdoms There is a conflict of powers and kingdoms On social and cultural systems On social and cultural systems Political, Religious, Economic ideas Political, Religious, Economic ideas Societies cultures, order, laws, organizations, are shaping people Societies cultures, order, laws, organizations, are shaping people Sin the devil and evil powers impact society and its people too Sin the devil and evil powers impact society and its people too God calls us to exercise authority God calls us to exercise authority
We are living in the midst of Worldwide conflict & change Terrorism Terrorism War War Rebellion Rebellion Fear Fear Persecution Persecution Corruption Corruption Collapse of confidence Collapse of confidence But what is God doing in history ? But what is God doing in history ?
The right to change a society ? So many revolutions in human history have changed societies for the worse, and sacrificed millions of lives in the process. For example, Diocletian of Rome, the Crusaders, Muslims in Asia, Hitler in Germany, Mao in China, Pol Pot in Cambodia,. So many revolutions in human history have changed societies for the worse, and sacrificed millions of lives in the process. For example, Diocletian of Rome, the Crusaders, Muslims in Asia, Hitler in Germany, Mao in China, Pol Pot in Cambodia,. We must make sure that the truth of God’s Word guides our revolutionary zeal, so the changes we instigate are for the good of humanity and the extension of God’s kingdom. Change with God’s grace. We must make sure that the truth of God’s Word guides our revolutionary zeal, so the changes we instigate are for the good of humanity and the extension of God’s kingdom. Change with God’s grace.
Are you ready to be salt and light? The slum dwellers need your salt and light The slum dwellers need your salt and light There are 560 million destitute poor in China and India alone There are 560 million destitute poor in China and India alone In 2001 there were 924 million slum dwellers in the world. In 2001 there were 924 million slum dwellers in the world. 31.6% of the world’s urban population live in slums. United Nations Global Report on Human Settlements, % of the world’s urban population live in slums. United Nations Global Report on Human Settlements, 2003 How will they hear unless someone goes? How will they hear unless someone goes? Most have no resources and no hope. Most have no resources and no hope. Will you have compassion on their despair? Will you have compassion on their despair? Jer. 29:7 “Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile” Jer. 29:7 “Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile” Will you go and live among the poor? Will you go and live among the poor?