FRAUDULENT LAMB Valerie Weets April 18, 2014
The Problem “The Foods Standards Agency (FSA) found that 43 out of 145 samples of lamb takeaways - usually curries or kebabs - were wrongly described” [1] Conducted from July to December 2013 [3]
At least there’s no horse meat Mostly cheaper meats were found including beef, chicken, and turkey. No horse meat was found. Some had no lamb. Some couldn’t be tested. False labeling misleads people and can also cause potential allergens. While meats do not have to be labeled as a main allergen, people can be allergic or intolerant to various meats.
More Testing is Necessary Another round of testing is to be done to ensure restaurants are not mislabeling. £5,000 fine for mislabeling[3] ($ American)
References [1] "Lamb curries and kebabs 'often another meat'," 16 April [Online]. Available: [Accessed 18 April 2014]. [2] F. Lawrence, "FSA orders tests on takeaways after lamb meals found to contain other meat," 16 April [Online]. Available: [Accessed 18 April 2014]. [3]"Local authorities to test for lamb meat substitution," 17 April [Online]. Available: [Accessed 18 April 2014].