Speaking out - 3/11/2014 Caroline Chavent
Every vaccines are injected a)True b)False
Do you know where the word « vaccines » come from ? a)It looks like the latin word for « cows » b)It come from the verb « to vaxine », in the Mid age. (the vaxination is the act of torturing, puting rusty nails in people arms) c)It’s the dog’s name which bit Joseph Meister, the first child vaccinated d)It’s a neologism from the latin « vaccum sanctum » Who has discovered the 1st vaccine ?
Edward Jenner
Louis Pasteur
Vaccines contain virus or bacteria which are: inactivated or kild live attenuated
Which vaccine is obligatory in France for everyone ? a)Vaccine against influenza b)Vaccine against papillomavirus c)Vaccine against tetanus d)Vaccine against pertussis
Required vaccines ◦ Dipheria Tetanus Polio Recommended vaccines ◦ Pertussis ◦ Measles, mumps and rubella ◦ Haemophilus influenzae type b ◦ BCG ◦ Papillomavirus 3
Required vaccines ◦ Diphteria Tetanus Polio ◦ Pertussis ◦ Haemophilus influenzae type b ◦ Pneumococcus ◦ Rotavirus ◦ Meningococcal group C ◦ Measles, mumps and rubella ◦ Papillomavirus 12
Required vaccines ◦ Hepatitis B ◦ Ritavirus ◦ Diphteria tetanus petussis ◦ Haemophilus influenzae type b ◦ Pneumococcus ◦ Polivirus ◦ Measles, mumps and rubella ◦ Varicella ◦ Hepatitis A ◦ Papillomavirus ◦ Menigococcal 15
Are you for or against vaccines ? Why ? Do you think parents should be allowed to keep their children from being vaccinated ◦ For religious beliefs ? ◦ Because of vaccine side effects ?
According to the WHO, in 2002, 1,4 billon of child death could have been avoided with the vaccination against: ◦ Measles ◦ H. influenzae type b ◦ Pertussis ◦ Tetanus The only disease which have been eradicated is the smallpox since 1977
Like any medicine, vaccines have side effects Exemple: ◦ Fever ◦ Sore arm ◦ Allergic reaction
Do you think it’s a good idea to allow pharmacists to vaccine people ? States who allow pharmacists to administer vaccines: ◦ USA ◦ Australia ◦ UK ◦ Ireland ◦ Portugal