Newspapers (Magazines) No news is good news. Bad news travels fast.
Reading Novels 1.Warm-up QuestionsWarm-up Questions 3.News’ StructureNews’ Structure 2.Newspaper & Magazine TermsNewspaper & Magazine Terms 4.Newspapers and MagazinesNewspapers and Magazines
1. Warm-up questions 1.How do you like reading N & M?How do you like reading N & M? 2.Why do you like/dislike reading N & M?Why do you like/dislike reading N & M? 3.What kind of N & M do you like?What kind of N & M do you like? 4.How many kinds of N & M have you read?How many kinds of N & M have you read? 5.What are your favorite N & M?What are your favorite N & M? 6.What tips or warnings do you have?What tips or warnings do you have? 7.What can we get from reading N & M?What can we get from reading N & M? 8.Electronic reading or traditional reading?Electronic reading or traditional reading?
2. Newspaper Terms 头版,标题版 Front page NamePublication informationIndex ① ① ②② ② ③ ③
2. Paper & Zine Terms 头版,标题版 Front page Headline 头条新闻 Subtitle 小标题、副标题 ④ ⑤ ④ ⑤ ⑤
2. Newspaper Terms 新闻 News Article Title 新闻标题 Byline 标题下署名行 Body text 正文 ① ② ③ ① ② ③ ④ Foto = Photo graphy ④ ⑤ Caption 插图说明⑤
2. Newspaper Terms News agency 1. 通讯社 Report, cover 3. 报道 Journalism 2. 新闻业 / 工作 Feature (story, article) 4. 特写 Brief (news) 5. 简讯 新闻通讯 6.Newsletter 增刊、副刊 7.Supplement 特刊 8.Special issue
2. Newspaper Terms 号外 1.Extra 双周刊 3.Fortnightly 剪报 2.Clipping Bimonthly 4. 双月刊 季刊 5.Quarterly 过期期刊 6.Back number 发行量 7.Circulation Subscribe 8. 订阅者
2. Newspaper Terms Journalist, reporter, newsman 1. 记者 Commentator 3. 评论员 Chief editor 2. 主编 Columnist 4. 专栏作家 Contributor 5. 投稿人 社论 6.Editorial 独家新闻 7.Exclusive Hot news 8. 热点新闻
3. News’ Structure Relevant, brief, clear, and catchy 1.Title 标题 Details, elaboration, inverted pyramid 3.Body When, where, who, what, why and how 2.Lead ( 4. Background 5. Ending / closure )
4. Newspapers and Magazines English Language Learning 英语学习 The Economist 经济学家 Time 时代周刊 Reader’s Digest 读者文摘 News Weekly 新闻周刊 Chinadaily 中国日报 The New York Times 纽约时报 The Wall Street Journal 华尔街日报 Washington Post 华盛顿邮报 Times 泰晤士报 英美主要报纸期刊杂志网址大全英美主要报纸期刊杂志网址大全 Name some famous papers and zines.