Presented by Karen Porter UM School of Business Administration & Marketing: Online Marketing Trends 2015 Presented by Karen Porter Department of Marketing School of Business Administration The University of Montana
Before We Get Started… Anyone here who was NOT here Tuesday? Please make sure to review recorded lecture notes from first day of class BMKT 420 Students – Please make sure you are subscribed to the following right away: Hubspot Marketing blog – Select Marketing blog option blog I will be communicating with you through this blog
Karen’s Marketing Background Teaching and small business marketing consulting in late 80s and early 90s Head of Marketing for Texas Lottery from 1994 – 1997 Director of Marketing for Aramark Educational Resources from 1997 – 2003 Owner of Skinny Dip Candles 2004 – 2012 Teaching / consulting 2011 – present
Jumping Into the Online World Aramark years – new website, PPC Skinny Dip Candles – extensive exposure Built website Learned and implemented SEO Used Pay-Per-Click marketing Embraced social media Used marketing Resulted in a business that provided 100% of income for two families for 8 years
Benefits of Online Marketing Less expensive to start an online business Less costly than many other major media Better analytics and easier to measure results Makes it easy to sell outside your local market Convenient for consumers (more than ½ of information searches online are product related)
Drawbacks of Online Marketing Difficult to stay current – always something new Google’s changing algorithms Facebook business pages changes Challenging for business to know which strategies are best for their situation Can seem overwhelming (many times efforts are abandoned) Need specific skills to do online marketing well (can also be huge advantage!)
Websites – An Online “Hub”
Who is Your Target Market? Identify by similar characteristics: Age, Gender, Income, Education, Interests, Occupation and Other Criteria of Relevance
Strategy Decisions Can Be Very Difficult
Insights from Target Customers
Target Insights > Strategic Decisions > The 4 P’s of Marketing
Rules of the 4 P’s
Delivering What Your Customers Want
NOW You Can Think About Specific Marketing Tactics
Before the Internet Businesses relied upon traditional media: Yellow Pages Newspapers Television Direct Mail Telemarketing Magazines Radio Faxes
Times are Changing Directories – print versions go out of date / expensive Print Pubs – in decline / costs up / shifting readership Broadcast – fragmentation / zipping / zapping / Hulu Direct Mail – costly / low conversion / slow Telemarketing – do not call lists / intrusion factor Faxes – mass faxing less effective / easy to overlook Traditional advertising media are losing effectiveness
New Media is Online & Online Statistics are Astonishing 1 Trillion + — number of web pages in the world 200+ Billion online searches each year in U.S. alone 30 % — searches that are targeted locally (city or zip )* 20 % — total online searches done by mobile phones* 37 % — small businesses without a website* 80 % — local searches done on mobile devices = buyers* 0 % — chance to connect with consumers who are searching online if an organization doesn’t have an online presence * 2012 statistics based on U.S. data only
Business Owners Face Marketing Challenges Recession has led to slower sales & lower profits Traditional media declining in effectiveness Consumers are searching for businesses online Business owners are confused and frustrated about how to use online marketing effectively Many businesses lack either the knowledge, the interest, or the time to learn online marketing and develop an online strategy
A Website is Essential But Having One isn’t Enough Websites lend credibility The business card of yesterday Is your website getting found? Know how people are searching & where your site is ranked How do you drive traffic to a website? Know what your prospective customer is doing online Is your web presence helping or hurting your business? Develop a cohesive online / offline marketing strategy
Why Being “On” Google is Vital 70% of all U.S. online searches are done on Google 80% + of intl. online searches are done on Google (with a few notable exceptions – ex: China) 60% of searchers do not typically search beyond page one of search engine results Do you know what your potential customers are searching for? – Keyword Research Need to be FOUND by those searching for the goods and services you offer – SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Keywords Rule! Know How Your Customers are Searching and Which Words are Important to Them Google Keyword Planner
SEO Gets Your Site Found On-Site Optimization Meta code – title tag (limit 60 characters) Meta description (limit 160 characters) Page title (headline) Page URL ( Page copy, graphic alt tags, and more Off-Site Optimization Links coming into your site from other sites Social validation / visitor support of site Increasingly receiving more Google focus
Website Not Getting Found? Was the site developed strategically? Were goals clearly defined on the front end? Was keyword research done first to drive how and where those words are optimized on the site? Did development include these 3 key elements? Solid coding (the site functions as it should) Strong design (attractive, credible & user-friendly) Strategic marketing (solid SEO, marketing strategy done on front-end, integrated and ongoing online marketing strategies)
Social Media Trends for Business Facebook – still largest Becoming a “pay to play” environment Twitter – a major player Not as effective for small businesses LinkedIn – primarily B2B Also major recruiting / job hunting network Pinterest – heavily skewed to women Google + – still finding its place Instagram – growing fast Still heavily skewed to those in teens/20s
Mobile Marketing – Growth Wave 62 % of U.S. adults now own smart phones Japan and Europe mobile are far ahead of U.S. in smart phone usage; the U.S. is sure to follow 97% of smart phone users search online by phone <20% of all sites are mobile-friendly
What Does This Mean for Biz? Traditional media still important, but not as effective as it once was Marketing strategy needs to marry online and offline marketing initiatives Know specifically the words your customers are using to search – them use those words online Use online findings to market offline Use media that is right for your type of business Know what’s already working for your business – continue using what works and eliminate what’s not
What Does This Mean for Biz? Know your “conversion funnel” statistics – use analytics to measure results – this gives you power Develop a STRATEGY (don’t just try a hodge-podge of ideas hoping something will work) Measure and tweak what’s working and then “rinse and repeat” to continue improving results Do NOT try to do everything – do several things really well and you’ll have better success than scattershotting a multitude of tactics continued
Assignment for Next Class BMKT 343 Students Write a one page paper (single-spaced) that shares the following: Which social media you use most regularly? For what purposes do you use that social media? What do you like and dislike about this SM platform? BMKT 420 Students Subscribe to the Hubspot blog (see first slide) Read Marketing blogs for Friday and Monday Be prepared for an in-class quiz on Tuesday
Karen Porter (406) – Cell