Unit 3 Exam Revision
War Read with insight and engagement, making appropriate references to text and developing and sustaining interpretations of them Understand and evaluate how writers use linguistic, structural and presentational devices to achieve their effects, and comment on ways language changes and varies Assessment Objectives
What the examiners are looking for * Relevance - you must answer the question they have set and show awareness of the links between the poems. * Response- you must express your point of view of the poems in relation to the question. * Textual detail - you must support your response with direct quotation and detail from the poem. * Evaluation - you must look closely at how the poems or stories are written. * Expression - you must make sure that you express your ideas clearly and accurately.
TOP TIPS Highlight the key words in the question and use them regularly in your answer. Watch out for two even three part questions and make sure you cover all parts equally Start each paragraph with an idea that clearly relates to the question. As you write keep asking yourself: Am I answering the question? What relevant response am I expressing? What textual evidence am I using to support this point?
Use brief quotations that fit neatly into your sentence. Show your awareness of different possible interpretations. How ? ‘however’, ‘although’, ‘on the other hand’, ‘perhaps’, ‘this could suggest’ and ‘this could express’ Save a fresh point for your final paragraph so that your conclusion doesn’t JUST sum up and repeat what you have already said. A point about how the poems end, if it relates to the question is often a good way to sum up.
MEMORY JOGGERS What grows between the crosses in the graveyards in Flanders? Name three ways in which the Bohemians tried to rebel against army life. Why do you think the survivors won’t speak of the dead in Spring Offensive? Who is angry with ‘fat old men’ and ‘girls with feathers’? Why? Who uses a parable to make a point about useless sacrifice? Why does he choose this parable and how is it different from the war? In which poem does a woman still keep flowers in someone’s room? Why? In which poem do we see a soldier’s uncontrollable grief at his brother’s death? Who lies to an old lady? Why? What do you think of his real opinion? Who shows the fear of death to be natural, not cowardly? In which poem does the soldier state ‘Twas him or me’? Which poet thinks she will never appreciate the joys of nature or be happy again? Name two poems in which soldiers sing as they go off to war.
Romeo and Juliet In previous years candidates have been give a choice of two questions. A character question & A theme question. Make a list of the themes in the play. Make a list of the important characters in the play.
Themes Love and Hate (not just R&J’s) Violence/Feud (not just actual, implied violence) Tragedy (Fate- context) Parents Vs Children
Stylistic features - Language Language - Elizabethan wit conveys more humor than present day lit. Puns - for comic effect Word play for dramatic effect Conventional lang of love - traditional & mocking. Long speeches Complicated soliloquies
Verse and Prose General rule VERSE: Higher status characters Dramatic, emotional scenes Iambic Pentameter (rigid structure. PROSE: Lower status characters Lighter, more comical scenes Tension is relaxed as a contrast
Important characters The major characters are theatrical opposites. Tybalt’s violence provides a contrast to Romeo’s Hamlet like inaction. The Nurse’s worldliness provided contrast to Juliet’s youth and inexperience Mercutio hints at Romeo’s ‘other side’, he also helps to reveal another dimension to Romeo. Benvolio’s peaceable nature clashes with Tybalt’s violent nature. Remember Paris? A complete contrast to Romeo
LOOK AT MARK SCHEMES Re-read the poems- focus esp on those you forgot from the memory joggers section. Read notes on characters in R&J- Look at sig parts in the play for each. Read notes on imp themes in the play and identify sig parts in the play for each.