a unique content optimisation tool for publishers and media owners
What will I get with my cream ? 1. A clear picture of the demographic profile of your readers – and how that is changing (and it is changing!) 2. An overview of readership trends across content categories – who is reading more, less or the same – and why? 3. An in-depth view of readers’ content needs by category – and their content platform preference. 4. An interrogation of the style, design, engagement and tone that your readers and future readers demand. 5. An analysis of how your title meets these needs and perceptions – with ‘hot-buttons maps’ showing where you are getting it right and wrong! 6. A clear picture of how you perform in these key areas versus your competitors – in print and digital.
What will I get with my cream ? And if you’re a custom publisher, all that plus … Empirical evidence of the value you deliver for your client – and their customers. Evidence of engagement levels and the efficacy of content marketing. A great pitch tool to show off your understanding of specific markets and help you land your next publishing contact!
Your category n=1 002 SAMPLE: Reading frequency and involvement in % MAGAZINE READING FREQUENCY MAGAZINE INVOLVEMENT Your title is the most often read title with more substantially more hard-core fans than your competitors Your title and Competitor A are neck and almost neck in terms of reader involvement Your title is the most often read title with more substantially more hard-core fans than your competitors Your title and Competitor A are neck and almost neck in terms of reader involvement
SAMPLE: Device ownership and preferences We can measure whatever metrics we like and whatever platform preferences we choose We can measure whatever metrics we like and whatever platform preferences we choose Q: What devices do you own? Q: What devices do you prefer reading content on?
Q: How often do you visit websites for new recipe ideas rather than looking through old magazines? SAMPLE: category specific interrogation Our extensive experience in media allows us to work with you to develop the most effective line of questioning possible to answer your burning questions.
SAMPLE: newsletter frequency preferences Q: What would be your preferred frequency of receiving trout-fishing related newsletters? Base: Subscribe to newsletters The results of cream research could be responsible for launching a new business division in your publishing house!
SAMPLE: Magazine topics – what do they want to read about? Q: Choose all the the golf topics that you are interested in. Base: All respondents We identify the most needed topics of interest and can clearly see where the ‘tiers’ of importance lie… And often find little gems that would otherwise go un-noticed.
The HOT BUTTONS map – How it works … CREATE LEVEL OF ASSOCIATION IMPORTANCE CREATE Important but not delivered fully CREATE Important but not delivered fully DIFFERENTIATE Nice to-have DIFFERENTIATE Nice to-have RATIONALIZE Less important RATIONALIZE Less important REINFORCE Important – get this wrong at your peril! REINFORCE Important – get this wrong at your peril!
SAMPLE: The HOT BUTTONS map – how your title rates… CREATE REINFORCE NICE-TO-HAVE LESS IMPORTANT LEVEL OF ASSOCIATION IMPORTANCE It’s like a blueprint for the editorial team! And you get the same thing for your competitive set!
a client’s view “Thanks to WhyFive’s CREAM research the Getaway team understands exactly who our audience is across various media platforms. We have confirmed that our content strategy is correct and we have a roadmap for future content development. CREAM has helped us identify our weaknesses and strengths and highlighted opportunities to differentiate ourselves from our competitors. These insights also allow us to make important tactical decisions about advertising sales and new business development. We can only describe CREAM as invaluable to the positioning and the future of the brand.” Ian Dinan, Publisher of Getaway
Cream clients for 2015 your title HERE!! your title HERE!!
thankyou. For more information or a demonstration of the power of BrandMapp please contact: Stuart Lowe Director WhyFive Insights Pty Ltd m t f wwww.whyfive.co.za