We’d love to chat! We want to make it easier for you to talk to us and for us to update you! Lots of new resources and sources for you to check out! Christ-centred. Spirit-empowered. Mission-focused. cmacan.org cmacan.org
We’d love to chat! Do you have your subscription to C&MA in Canada’s … Magazine? Personnel Update? Other Updates? We’d love to let you know about what’s happening in the C&MA cmacan.org/subscribe Christ-centred. Spirit-empowered. Mission-focused. cmacan.org cmacan.org
Want to talk to us? Send your mail to: Attn: Communications C&MA in Canada Carrier Drive Toronto, ON M9W 5T7 Christ-centred. Spirit-empowered. Mission-focused. cmacan.org Send your to: cmacan.org
Magazine Alert Being printed now! Expect delivery in the next few weeks. Did you want your own copy? Get yours for free: cmacan.org/magazinecmacan.org/magazine Christ-centred. Spirit-empowered. Mission-focused. cmacan.org cmacan.org
Like Us, Follow Us, Talk to Us … We post new items daily! Check us out and join the conversation! Christ-centred. Spirit-empowered. Mission-focused. cmacan.org cmacan.org
Have you seen … … our website lately? cmacan.org It’s pretty awesome! Check out … Weekly stories, international worker bios, ministry info, resources, directories and so much more! Christ-centred. Spirit-empowered. Mission-focused. cmacan.org cmacan.org
Donor-Friendly Christ-centred. Spirit-empowered. Mission-focused. cmacan.org Simple Clear Informative Visit our new give page: cmacan.org/give cmacan.org/give cmacan.org
Minding the GAF* Christ-centred. Spirit-empowered. Mission-focused. cmacan.org 70% of our budget goes to our international workers (Global Ministries), and they are paid in U.S. Funds. The steadily increasing exchange rate really affects our ability to stay on track. Thank you for giving! cmacan.org *Global Advance Fund
Giving Hope Christ-centred. Spirit-empowered. Mission-focused. cmacan.org Designate your gift to: 1.C&MA Syria Emergency Relief Fund 2.C&MA Refugee Fund For details: cmacan.org/refugee-sponsorshipcmacan.org/refugee-sponsorship cmacan.org *C&MA has been a Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH) with Citizenship and Immigration Canada since February We have supported Syrian refugee relief in Lebanon, Jordan, and with the Alliance church in Damascus over the last 3+ years.
You’re invited ! Christ-centred. Spirit-empowered. Mission-focused. cmacan.org Gather in Vancouver, B.C. with our church family from across the country. May 31 – June 4, 2016 We’d love to see you there! allianceassembly.ca cmacan.org
First we Pray! Christ-centred. Spirit-empowered. Mission-focused. cmacan.org We want to go back to our roots and learn how to pray more effectively together. prayer-in-motion.ca cmacan.org/la-priere-en-action Join the Wave of Prayer!