Choosing Quality Children’s Trade Books
Free powerpoint template: 2 What Constitutes “Children’s” Literature? A child protagonist and an issue that concerns children A straightforward story line, with a linear and limited time sequence in a confined setting Language that is concrete and vivid and not overly complex Temple, C., Martinez, M., Yokota, J., & Naylor, A. (1998). Children’s books in children’s hands. Boston: Allyn and Bacon
Free powerpoint template: 3 How Do We Recognize “Quality” Children’s literature? Good books: –expand awareness –provide an enjoyable read that doesn’t overly teach or moralize –tell the truth –embody quality –have integrity –show originality
Free powerpoint template: 4 Expand Awareness Good books: –Give children names for things in the world and for their own experiences –Take children inside other characters’ perspectives –Broaden children’s understanding of the world and their capacity for empathy
Free powerpoint template: 5 Provide an Enjoyable Read Good books provide a lesson in a way that is not overly contrived or moralistic Good books show the lesson rather than tell it
Free powerpoint template: 6 Tell the Truth Good books: –Usually deal with significant truths about the human experience –Characters are true to life –Insights the books imply are accurate, and, perhaps, wise
Free powerpoint template: 7 Embody Quality In good books: –The words are precisely chosen, often poetic in their sound and imagery –The plot is convincing –The characters are believable –The descriptions are rich and telling
Free powerpoint template: 8 Have Integrity In the sense of Both: “Wholeness or completeness” –Genre, plot, language, characters, style, theme, illustrations (if any) come together to create a satisfying whole “Soundness of moral character”
Free powerpoint template: 9 Show Originality Excellent books –Introduce children to unique characters or situations or show them the world from a unique viewpoint –Stretch children’s minds, giving them new ways to think about the world and new possibilities to think about
Free powerpoint template: 10 How Can We Judge “Quality”? Originality Importance of ideas Imaginative use of language Beauty of literary and artistic style that enable book to remain fresh, interesting, and meaningful for years
Free powerpoint template: 11 Get to know children’s literature Read and enjoy children ’ s books. Read children ’ s books with a sense of involvement. Read a variety of book types. Read books for a wide variety of ability levels. Share with your colleagues how your students respond to particular books. Start by reading several books considered to be of “ good ” quality. Talk with children about books.
Children’s Literature Awards
Free powerpoint template: 13 For the Book: John Newbery Award –The book judged to be the most distinguished contribution to children’s literature published in the U.S. during the previous year. Sarah, Plain and Tall, by Patricia MacLachlan The Whipping Boy, by Sid Fleischman Holes, by Louis Sachar Boston Globe-Horn Book Award –One outstanding example of Fiction and Nonfiction Fiction: Poppy, by Avi; Missing May, by Cynthia Rylant Non-Fiction: Sojourner Truth: Ain’t I a Woman, by Patricia & Fredrick McKissack
Free powerpoint template: 14 For the Illustrations: Randolph Caldecott Award –Awarded to the illustrator of the most distinguished children’s book published the previous year Officer Buckle and Gloria, by Peggy Rathman Owl Moon, by Jane Yolen Boston Globe-Horn Book Award –One outstanding example of illustration Grandfather’s Journey, by Alan Say Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters, by John Steptoe
Free powerpoint template: 15 For “New Talent” in Children’s Writing International Reading Association Children’s Book Award –One author who writes for older readers Letters from Rifka, by Karen Hesse –One author who writes for younger readers Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt, by Deborah Hopkinson, Illustrated by James Ransome –One author who writes informational books Brooklyn Bridge, by Elizabeth Mann Ezra Jack Keats New Writer’s Award –Promising new writer who has had six or fewer children’s books published Tar Beach, by Faith Ringgold
Free powerpoint template: 16 African American Authors/Illustrators Coretta Scott King Award –For books that encourage understanding and appreciation of people of all cultures and the pursuit of “the American Dream” The Friendship, by Mildred Taylor The Young Landlords, by Walter Dean Myers
Free powerpoint template: 17 To Author/Illustrator for Entire Body of Work: Hans Christian Andersen Award –One author and one illustrator in recognition of an entire body of work Authors: Paula Fox, Virginia Hamilton, Scott O’Dell Illustrators: Mitsumasa Anno, Lisbeth Zwerger Laura Ingalls Wilder Award –Author or illustrator whose works have made a substantial and lasting contribution to children’s literature over a period of years Dr. Seuss, Virginia Hamilton, E. B. White
Creating a Classroom Library
Free powerpoint template: 19 A Well-Rounded, Interesting Classroom Library Has: modern, realistic literature as well as more traditional literature books with different types of themes books of varying difficulty a variety of genres books whose characters realistically depict various cultural groups and life circumstances books that meet students ’ reading interests
Narrative Texts
Free powerpoint template: 21 What is a narrative text? Tells a story Based on life experiences Person-oriented using dialogue and familiar language (written in first, second, or third person)
Free powerpoint template: 22 Purpose(s) To entertain To tell a story To Provide an aesthetic experience
Free powerpoint template: 23 Organization Uses story grammar
Free powerpoint template: 24 Genres Traditional Literature –Myths and religious stories –Fables (proverbs explicitly stated at the end) –Folktales (word of mouth, unknown origins) –Pourquoi Tales (explain phenomena) –Tall Tales and Legends (greatly exaggerated accounts of heros and legends) –Cumulative tales (repeating and adding lines) –Fairy tales (folktales that involve magic) –Apprenticeship/Hero tales (character rises from a lowly to high estate, or from ignored/ threatened to recognized/rewarded for good qualities
Free powerpoint template: 25 Realistic fiction Historical fiction Fantasy and science fiction Biography (depending on structure) Drama Diaries Personal narrative
Free powerpoint template: 26 Story Grammar/Story Structure Characters Setting Problem Events Resolution Theme
Free powerpoint template: 27 Less Complex Story Grammar Beginning (characters, setting, problem) Middle (events) End (resolution)
Free powerpoint template: 28 More Complex Story Grammar Beginning: –characters (antagonist/protagonist), setting, problem (conflict), initiating event Middle: –turning points, crisis, rising action, climax, subplot, parallel episodes End: –resolution, falling action, ending