Keeping abreast: How can librarians upskill for RDM? Kathryn Unsworth RDM for JCU Librarians workshop, 17 September 2015
RDM – staying @datalibsam so many more!
Journals International Journal of Digital Curation Journal of eScience Librarianship Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication D-Lib Magazine Impact Story blog - Newsletters Share – ANDS newsletter
lists Australia ANDS-Partners – subscribe by to (AUS) (AUS) UK & USA RESEARCH-DATAMAN (JISC, UK) RESEARCH-DATAMAN (JISC, UK) Research Data, Access and Preservation
Events (Australia only) eResearch Australasia Conference ANDS face-to-face workshops and regular webinars CAUL Research Repository Community Days THETA Conference ORCID Roundtable ARMS Conference
ANDS Webinars and presentations ANDS YouTube Channel
RDMRose is a JISC funded project which has produced a series of continuing professional development (CPD) learning modules with associated materials/activities on Research Data Management (RDM) tailored for Information professionals.
Graduate Diploma of Information and Knowledge Management Data curation and management Archival systems Bachelor and Master of information studies (Knowledge Management specialisation) Research Data Management Digital preservation Project management Graduate Diploma and Master of Library and Information Management Systems & metadata analysis Digital preservation Digital information management Enterprise data Markup languages
CAUL Research Advisory Committee
Data Diamonds See handout - Any others that you can add to the list? RDM – staying current/upskilling Farrukh. (2007). Dreaming of diamonds
I know of another one!!!!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License ANDS is supported by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).