STRONG CLAIMS need to be SAND: significant, arguable, narrow, & defendable. Compare the three (student) claims below with your own. Work to narrow, clarify, or articulate your claim with more precision, if you see the need. In this novel by Harper Lee, the events that occur around Scout help mold her conscience. They slowly whittle away her innocence down to a pinprick, showing her the true horrors of racism. The scene on Halloween night unveils the effect racism can have on its hostages. The imagery of sickness and madness repeated throughout the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, represents racism’s true damage on humans, and is perhaps best presented in the character of Bob Ewell. To Kill a Mockingbird contains many warnings, and many lessons about the necessity of “walking around in” another person’s life, before you come to a potentially fatal judgment.
Order of essay elements Intro paragraph contains: Hook Context Thesis Three analytical paragraphs, strongest at the end (include your passage, single-spaced and indented in the body of your essay) Conclusion – may be 4-10 sentences, rephrasing the thesis and adding what we have learned in the paper, then telling your reader why s/he should care… why the insights in your essay are important for all readers to consider.
Ideas for your HOOK A quote that sheds light on concepts in your claim/thesis, then clearly tied to the essay you have written. Concepts: perspective, courage, moral compass, moral development, experiences that shape a person, coming of age, racism, sexism, etc. A relevant fact, trend, idea, insight that is meaningfully connected to your thesis. Excessive police violence toward men of color. Coming of Age in America now Moral Development
Ideas for your CONCLUSION A quote about the novel itself, illuminating an idea that connects to your thesis PLUS an eloquent answer to “why should your reader care?” Check out Springboard’s collection of commentary by famous people, or or brows Google A connection to modern novels, modern concerns, or classic human struggles: understanding differences; developing courage; forgiveness, compassion, poverty, coming of age, etc.