Welcome to 6 th Grade Open House August 28, 2013
Meet Miss Gearing This is my 2 nd year teaching at Mountain View Elementary School! Taught Preschool and was the Director of Education at New Horizons School in 2011, was a classroom assistant at Baggaley Elementary School in 2012, and taught 5 th grade at Mt. View, last year! Please see my website for additional information- My is Phone number
GLSD Website and Links This site can be used to find my teacher page which includes my homework page and links to Story Town, Science Fusion and Go Math! Check our teacher pages for useful, fun websites. student login (last 2 digits of their expected graduation year, first four letters of their last name, then first four letters of their last name student password gL(lunch number)
Who are your child’s teachers? -Miss Melissa Gearing (Language Arts) -Miss Marissa Capuzzi (Social Studies and Writing) -Mrs. Karen LaPresti (Some Social Studies and Language Arts) -Mr. Rick Zavatsky (Math and Science)
Classroom Expectations I expect… Students to try their best. Students to respect each other, their teachers, and belongings. Students to complete their work neatly and on time. Students to be organized including: – checking their “mailbox” – using their assignment notebook – using their file folder (accordion folder) – keeping their binder organized – knowing their schedule/routine
Classroom Rules o Follow directions the first time they are given. o Raise you hand before speaking. o Bring all your materials to class. o Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. *Our rules keep us safe and allow us to learn together!
Home-School Connection We need you! We are a team-student, teacher, and family. You can volunteer: becoming a VIP We could use volunteers to punch holes, staple, and more! sharing with our classes sending in supplies (tissues, sandwich baggies, Clorox wipes, etc.). assisting with the 6 th grade dance **Remember, clearances are needed to help at school or school functions like field trips or Olympic Day! Help your child at home by checking their assignment book and our websites for updates, reminders, and homework. Read with your child! We have “Baggy Books” and ORF’s to improve reading fluency and confidence!
Tutoring Tutoring will begin in September (start date will be announced soon) Tutoring is most Tuesdays and Thursdays starting at 8:35. Students will be able to make-up work and ask for help.
Conferences Conferences will be in November on an “as needed” basis. You will receive more information closer to this time. Thank you for your cooperation!
6 th Grade Camp An informational session will be held later in the year regarding camp. You will receive notice about this date and lists to help to you prepare for camp!
Scavenger Hunt Have your child show you our room using our scavenger hunt sheet. Be sure to visit with our encore teachers, nurses, guidance counselor, speech teacher, or support staff since they will be discussing important information as well. Don’t forget to visit the Spirit Wear Sale! Thanks for coming! We appreciate your support!