Good Morning! Bell-Ringer Use the Map and Timeline on pages to answer: 1. Where are the 12 centers for Enlightenment in Europe? 2. How can you tell most Enlightenment ideas came from western Europe? 3. Most Enlightenment centers are close to each other. How might this have affected the spread of ideas? 4. Where had enlightenment ideas spread outside of Europe? 5. Name 3 milestones in math and astronomy. 6. How many years passed between each of these discoveries? What does this suggest about the scientific communities of the times? 7. How might Enlightenment ideas have spread to North America? 8. What events occurred in America and France in the late 1700s?
Chapter 22 “Enlightenment and Revolution” 1550 – 1789 Section 1 “The Scientific Revolution”
I. The Roots of Modern Science A. The Medieval View 1. geocentric theory a. earth-centered universe B. A New Way of Thinking 1. Scientific Revolution a. a new way of thinking about the natural world based on careful observation and a willingness to question accepted beliefs 2. Renaissance a. discoveries led to new truths b. printing press invented; helped spread ideas c. Navigators needed better instruments
II. A Revolutionary Model of the Universe A. The Heliocentric Theory 1. Nicolaus Copernicus a. sun was at center of universe B. Galileo’s Discoveries 1. Jupiter had 4 moons & sun had dark spots 2. earth’s moon had a rough, uneven surface C. Conflict with the Church 1. Catholic church warned Galileo not to defend Copernicus a. published, Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, that supported Copernicus 2. stood trial & said Copernicus’ findings were false 3. placed under house arrest & died in 1642 CopernicusGalileo
III. The Scientific Revolution A. Scientific Method 1. a logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas B. Francis Bacon 1. believed practical knowledge could improve people’s lives 2. experiment and then draw conclusions C. René Descartes 1. relied on math & logic 2. everything should be doubted until proved by reason 3. he wrote, “I think, therefore I am.” Francis Bacon René Descartes
IV. Newton Explains the Law of Gravity A. Isaac Newton 1. universal gravitation a. every object in the universe attracts every other object 2. published The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy a. described universe as a giant clock Sir Isaac Newton
V. The Scientific Revolution Spreads A. Scientific Instruments 1. Zacharias Janssen a. invented first microscope 2. Gabriel Fahrenheit a. made first mercury thermometer 3. Anders Celsius a. created another scale for mercury thermometer B. Medicine and the Human Body 1. Edward Jenner a. introduced smallpox vaccine C. Discoveries in Chemistry 1. Robert Boyle a. pioneered scientific method in chemistry
Daily Essential Questions 1. How did the heliocentric theory of the universe differ from the geocentric theory? 2. Why were the new scientific views so revolutionary?