IRCC-7 Meeting 1 – 3 June 2015 (Mexico City, Mexico) Progress Report on the IHO GIS IHB
References IRCC7-05B - Report of the IHO Secretariat (paragraphs 12 to 16) IRCC7-08D - Report of the WEND WG (paragraph 16) IRCC7-09B - Update on the IHO ENC Catalogue IRCC7-12A - Update on the INToGIS Project
Contents Scope of the IHO GIS IHO Country Information System IHO ENC Catalogue C-55 Development INToGIS Project Way ahead
Contents Scope of the IHO GIS IHO Country Information System IHO ENC Catalogue C-55 Development INToGIS Project Way ahead
Scope of the IHO GIS Two components: Country Information Database ( to support Yearbook, etc. ) Country Information Database ( to support Yearbook, etc. ) Regional Information Database Regional Information Database Progressive implementation of an Esri-based GIS provide a more efficient environment for development work provide a more efficient environment for development work facilitate access to various layers of information through: facilitate access to various layers of information through: the IHO website the IHO website various sophisticated cloud-based on-line GIS options various sophisticated cloud-based on-line GIS options
Contents Scope of the IHO GIS IHO Country Information Database IHO ENC Catalogue C-55 Development INToGIS Project Way ahead
IHO Country Information Database
Reported to Member States in IHO CL 23/2014 In-house system based on PostgreSQL
IHO Country Information Database Collates information on IHO Member States (MS) and other coastal States Automated production of the IHO Yearbook (P-5) and related lists Access limited to IHB staff through the IHB internal network Future developments Interactive format for consulting P-5 Interactive format for consulting P-5 Production of GIS layers Production of GIS layers Internet interface for updating the data Internet interface for updating the data
Contents Scope of the IHO GIS IHO Country Information System IHO ENC Catalogue C-55 Development INToGIS Project Way ahead
Objectives of the IHO ENC Catalogue Draft IMO MSC Circular on ECDIS – Guidance for Good Practice Draft IMO MSC Circular on ECDIS – Guidance for Good Practice (HTW 2/19 – Annex 8) “ The IHO provides an online chart catalogue that details the coverage of ENCs together with references to coastal State guidance on any requirements for paper charts (where this has been provided). The catalogue also provides links to IHO Member States’ websites where additional information may be found. The IHO online chart catalogue can be accessed from the IHO website.” IHO Strategic Performance Indicator No.2 IHO Strategic Performance Indicator No.2 “Growth in ENC coverage worldwide, as reported in the IHO on-line catalogue, relative to the existing gap in adequate coverage (as defined by IMO/NAV) from the benchmark 01 Aug. 2008”
Outline of the current system. ENC metadata extracted from AVCS and stored on IHB server WFS uploaded to ArcGIS online for external consultation WFS upload IHB web page based on ArcGIS online User Browse and search ENC coverage Metadata AVCS The catalogue can be accessed from the IHO web site at: > ENCs & ECDIS > ENC Availability.
Information flow in the future ENC metadata will be accumulated from all relevant sources WFS uploaded to ArcGIS online for external consultation WFS upload IHB web page based on ArcGIS online User Metadata Browse and search ENC coverage
Demonstration - Simple interface Side bar (legend, layer select, base map select and print)
Demonstration - Layered information Multiple layers
Demonstration - Selection of layers Selectable layers by usage band
Demonstration - Settings Settings: -transparency -sequence of the layers
Demonstration - Attributes Pop up window providing detailed information on clicking the feature
Demonstration - Attributes When you click a position with multiple features Number of features shown
Demonstration - Attributes Detailed information can be displayed on request
Demonstration - Overlay with other information Overlaid with the other layer Port information derived from “World Port Index” of NGA PUB.150
Contents Scope of the IHO GIS IHO Country Information System IHO ENC Catalogue C-55 Development INToGIS Project Way ahead
C-55 Development > Standards & Publications > Download > C-55
C-55 Development Transfer of the current content of C-55 (composite indicators) into a database structure Assessment of spatial analysis and graphical displays pick report, pick report, colour overlays associated with significant features (EEZ, coastline, etc.) colour overlays associated with significant features (EEZ, coastline, etc.) Revision of the update procedure (user friendly interface) Future developments: inclusion of CATZOC polygons to provide an initial geo-referenced quality layer (as discussed at IRCC-4) inclusion of CATZOC polygons to provide an initial geo-referenced quality layer (as discussed at IRCC-4) RENCs are invited to seek the consent of their members to provide CATZOC information to the IHB for inclusion in C-55
Contents Scope of the IHO GIS IHO Country Information System IHO ENC Catalogue C-55 Development INToGIS Project Way ahead
Background, Objectives Transfer of the S-11 Part B (all INT Chart Regions) into the IHO GIS Environment and provision of associated web services to IHO MS From pdf versions …to web services (maintenance tools, search functions, possibility of queries and statistical analysis, uploading/downloading functions, track history…) For who? IHO MS, International Charting Coordination WGs / INT Chart Coordinators, IHB More dynamic and straightforward updating process… but iaw S-11 Part A “policy” and rights management Foundation: Version-controlled of Regional Databases (... Region B, version 3.0.2, March 2016,.. ), S-100-compliant model
Status Report & Timelines (1/3)
2014Initial developments by KHOA and Project Definition 12 Jan 2015First formal project meeting 27 March Delivery of S-11 Part B GIS Database version 0.0, QC/QA by IHB May-July Experimentation phase by FI, US/CA, FR, UK, IHB AugustExperimentation summary report by IHB to KHOA Sept-Oct Upgrade requests to be considered by KHOA Status Report & Timelines (2/3)
10-13 Nov Presentation at HSSC-7 Nov.-DecDatabase and ownership transfer from KHOA to IHB 15 Dec 2015 IHO CL for commissioning S-11 Part B GIS database and associated webservices At RHCs meetings in 2015: Information and Update Reports (IHB) 1 Jan 2016 S-11 Part B GIS is operational, associated docs to follow Status Report & Timelines (3/3)
INTChartID INTRe gion INTChartN umber Produ cers NatChartN umber TITLE / TITRE S_Lim it N_Lim it W_Lim it E_Limi t Scal e ScaleLa titude 1 st Ed NewEditio nYear PrinterNati on Printer Nat. No. Printer Date NE NWF-300F300IT360 Mare Mediterraneo e Mar Nero 25°00. 00'N 49°50. 33'N 7°00.0 0'W 42°15. 50'W °30'N ES FR GB HR ProducingS tatus Printfor mat FormerIN TNo Comment ChartT ype Stat us Inclusion Year Publication Week NewEdition Week FrameDimen sions RecordUpdat eDate Panel ID NatTitl e1 NatTitl e2 Project ion ProducedA0 Chart proposed by Greece and adopted during the 13th MBSHC Conference (2003), with a reserve from Turkey / Carte proposée par la Grèce et adoptée à l’occasion de la 13e conférence CHMMN (2003), avec une réserve de la Turquie Demonstration
Contents Scope of the IHO GIS IHO Country Information System IHO ENC Catalogue C-55 Development INToGIS Project Way ahead
Way ahead: towards the IHO GIS… Interfacing / full integration of the components into the IHO GIS environment Overlay with other information(INT charts, RHC areas, Maritime Shipping Routes, Ports, etc.) Generation of Regional GIS (i.e.: Antarctica GIS) Generation of SPI, WPI… GIS portal for all the IHO geospatial information