COVERED TOPICS 1.The Royal Society’s origins 2.Francis Bacon 3.Robert Boyle 4.Isaac Newton 5.Robert Hooke 6.John Wallis 7.Christopher Wren 8.The Royal Society today
THE ROYAL SOCIETY’S ORIGINS Royal Charter Royal Society Research Culture Clergy
THE ROYAL SOCIETY’S ORIGINS “Nullius in verba” According to the words of no one Do not recognize authorities
FRANCIS BACON Chancellor of British Kingdom Accused of corruption
FRANCIS BACON Encyclopaedia To spread knowledge
FRANCIS BACON Novum Organon Logic New Atlantis Utopian place
ROBERT BOYLE Robert Boyle Scientist inventorOptical microscope Cells’ discoveryPhysicalPerfect gas
ROBERT BOYLE “Sceptical Chemist” Criticism to Aristotelian theory “Nullius in verba”
ISAAC NEWTON “Mathematical principles of natural philosophy” End of Scientific Revolution Importance of mathematics Laws of motion Universal gravitation Heliocentrism
ROBERT HOOKE Outweighed in the culture Assistant of Robert Boyle Curator of Experiments
ROBERT HOOKE Micrographia Wave theory of light
JOHN WALLIS Mathematician Calculus Geometry Trigonometry
JOHN WALLIS “Arithmetica Infinitorum” His main work Standard notations for powers Quadrature of curve Conical Logic Continued fractions Cycloid
CHRISTOPHER WREN Architect Reconstruction of London Application of Neoclassicism models
THE ROYAL SOCIETY TODAY Economic help Residence in Burlington House International Geophysical year Archives opened to everyone
THE ROYAL SOCIETY 4^B A.S Menean, Morelli, Rossi, Zannier’s Group Assignment