OPENING ACTIVITY AT THE MECHANIC, UNIT 6, PP Content Standards: K.OA.1 Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings 1, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations. K.OA.2 Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10, e.g., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem. K.OA.3 Decompose numbers less than or equal to 10 into pairs in more than one way, e.g., by using objects or drawings, and record each decomposition by a drawing or equation (e.g., 5 = and 5 = 4 + 1). K.OA.4 For any number from 1 to 9, find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number, e.g., by using objects or drawings, and record the answer with a drawing or equation. K.OA.5 Fluently add and subtract within 5
OPENING ACTIVITY AT THE MECHANIC UNIT 6, PP STANDARDS FOR MATHEMATICAL PRACTICE 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
OPENING ACTIVITY AT THE MECHANIC UNIT 6, PP Part I: What did you notice for following number sentences? Is the number sentence correct? If not, what is wrong with it? What do we need to do to fix it? 4 =2+1; 2+3=5-1=4; 3+1 = 1+3; 2+3 = 5-1
OPENING ACTIVITY AT THE MECHANIC UNIT 6, PP Part II: Place all the cards in a pile, face down. Player A draws a card from the pile. The player must state whether the equation is accurate or not, and justify their reasoning using a double ten-frame with two-sided counters. If the equation is correct, the turn is over and the car doesn’t need to be fixed.
OPENING ACTIVITY AT THE MECHANIC UNIT 6, PP Part II: (continued) If the equation is inaccurate, player A(car owner) gives his card (car) to player B (mechanic) to be fixed. The mechanic then records the equation on the recording sheet, and circles the number in the equation he/she plans to “fix.” On the other side of the mechanic shop, the mechanic must “fix” the broken car with a pictorial and numeral representation to make it work. ONLY ONE NUMBER CAN BE FIXED ON THE CAR; however, it doesn’t matter which one.
OPENING ACTIVITY AT THE MECHANIC UNIT 6, PP Part II: (continued) After the mechanic has justified the answer and recorded it on the task sheet, the car owner inspects the fixed car to make sure it is correct. If the car owner spots something wrong with the corrected car, they let the mechanic know, but don’t tell them what is wrong. The mechanic must attempt to fix the car again. Once the car is fixed, the roles are reversed. The first mechanic to fix 5 cars wins.
REFLECTION AND SHARING Discuss following questions in your small group: What strategies did you use to determine if the equations were accurate or not? What strategies did use to correct the inaccurate equations?
OBJECTIVES Teachers will…. Implement strategies and tasks with all students, including English Learners focused on the common core state standards in mathematics this school year. Build a network of peer support and collaboration with grade alike teachers. Review and engage in unit 6 tasks.
AGENDA Opening Activity Number Talks Video: Common Core State Standards for Mathematics in Action Problem Solving Learning Stations (Unit 6) Planning Time
NUMBER TALKS As I flash each card, remember the task and be ready to explain how you know the answer. Ask, “How many more do we need to make ten? How do you know?” Provide sentence frame to assist EL students: We need _____ more dots to make ten. I know this because_____________.
KINDERGARTEN PROBLEM SOLVING A mom wants to bring in cupcakes for an upcoming celebration. There are 3 children at the yellow table, 2 at the red table, and 4 at the blue table. How many cupcakes should she bring? And why? What can we do to ensure all students; especially ELLs, can perform these tasks successfully?
UNIT 6 PROBLEM SOLVING Review the problem solving suggestions for this unit. Discuss and answer the following: How will you address the needs of your English Learners?
TEN FLASHING FIREFLIES SOLVE AND SHARE PROBLEMS (UNIT 6, PP FOR DETAILS) With your partners, discuss following questions: In what ways do these tasks build on students’ previous knowledge and life experiences? What definitions, concepts or ideas do students need to know to work on these tasks?
THREE PHASES FOR PROBLEM-BASED LESSONS (KINDER, UNIT 6, P. 27) It is useful to think of problem-based lessons as consisting of three main parts: before, during, and after. If you allot time for each part, it is quite easy to devote a full period to one seemingly simple problem. (Van de Walle p.15-19)
THE BEFORE PHASE Get students mentally prepared for the task, be sure the task is understood, and be certain that you have clearly established expectations beyond simply getting an answer.
THE DURING PHASE The first and most important thing here is let go and observe! Give students a chance to work without your guidance. Give them an opportunity to use their ideas and not simply follow directions. Your second task is to listen. Find out how different children or groups are thinking, what ideas they are using, and how they are approaching the problem. In this phase, hints may be provided but not solutions. Students should be encouraged to test ideas.
THE AFTER PHASE This is often where some of the best learning takes place. During the after phase, students share emerging ideas and the community of class learners is developed. This will not develop quickly or easily and will be developed over time.
GEORGIA MATH INSTRUCTIONAL UNITS Learning Stations (Unit 6) Use the learning station reflection guidelines as you attend each station
GOT YOUR NUMBER? UNIT 6, PP Directions: Deal 3 number cards to each player. Using any two cards (from 3 cards), pick two numbers that add to a number near 10. Using the Got Your Number task sheet write a number sentence with your two cards and the total that is near 10 (not to go over 10). To find your score( How Far Away from 10), find the difference between your total and 10. For example, you picked the cards 6, 3, 2, so 6 +3 =9. So your total is 9. To find your score, find the difference between 10 and – 9 = 1.
GOT YOUR NUMBER? UNIT 6, PP Directions: (continue) The player who has the lowest number for each round will circle their score. Shuffle the cards and play another round. After eight rounds, students will count how many circles they have. The player with the most circles (lowest scores) wins.
BY THE RIVERSIDE UNIT 6, PP Directions: Use the “By The Riverside” task sheet. Justify your answer by drawings and equations. Share your answer with a partner. What strategy did you use? What is the largest amount of animals the hiker could have seen? How about the smallest amount? Did you notice any pattern? Could there be odd number of legs seen during the hike? Why or why not?
MOVING DAY UNIT 6, PP (PART I) Use cubes to model and explain your strategy of solving following questions and record your numbers on the Moving Day task sheet : 1.I was moving 10 boxes. I had 5 boxes in the car and the rest were in the trailer. How many were in the trailer? 2. If I had 3 boxes in the trailer and 7 boxes in the car, how many boxes am I moving? 3.I had 4 boxes in the trailer and I was moving 10 boxes in total. How many boxes were in the car? 4.I was moving 10 boxes and none of them fit in the car. How many boxes were in the trailer?
MOVING DAY UNIT 6, PP (PART II) Discuss following questions with a partner: Does the order of addends change the sum? Give examples to justify your thinking. What is the difference between addition and subtraction? Did you develop a strategy to find your answers? Did you identify any patterns or rules?
HOW MANY WAYS TO GET TO 10? UNIT 6, PP Directions: Part I There are 3 paired combinations to make the number 2 (0+2, 2+0, and 1+1) Can you list all the paired combinations to make number 4, 5, and 6? Did you notice any pattern? Can you make a generalization?
HOW MANY WAYS TO GET TO 10? UNIT 6, PP Directions: Part II In pairs, explore all the possible combinations of 2 numbers when combined to make 10. Record your responses on the How Many Ways to Get to 10? recording sheet. You will need to justify and explain how you know you have found all of the possible combinations.
FIELD TRIP FOR FIVES UNIT 6, PP Directions: part I Numbers are related to each other through a variety of number relationships. The number 7, for example, is 3 more than 4, two less than 9, composed of 3 and 4 as well as 2 and 5, is three away from 10, etc. Can you list as many as possible the number relationships for number 10? Did you notice any number patterns?
FIELD TRIP FOR FIVES UNIT 6, PP Directions: part II In partners, solve the Field Trip for Fives story problem. “Ms. Redstone’s kindergarten class was going on a field trip. She divided her students up into teams for the parent volunteers. Each parent can take no more than 5 students in their car, so Ms. Redstone needs to rearrange the students into groups of 5.” You may use the counters, and “Field Trip for Five Work Mat”. Discuss/compare your solutions with partners.
REFLECTING AND SHARING Cause Outcome Event If we ______, _______, and _______, then we are successfully implementing CCSSM. As a result, our students will be _______, _______, and _______. We are successfully implementing CCSSM.
3-2-1 REFLECTION With a partner… Share 3 new ideas that you will use with your students as a result of today’s professional learning. Describe 2 ways you modified the activities to the meet the needs of your English Language Learners. Create 1 essential question to summarize the main concepts in unit 6.
PLANNING TIME Work with partners to plan lessons for the next 2 weeks.