Welcome to Ms. Bretl’s Kindergarten Class Room 200
Agenda Movie Introduction School Compact, Technology Policy Ipad: Volunteering & Contact info Homework Folder Curriculum Overview Questions? … PTO drop in Movie Introduction School Compact, Technology Policy Ipad: Volunteering & Contact info Homework Folder Curriculum Overview Questions? … PTO drop in
A little bit about me! / This is my 6th year at Beye. / This is my 7th year of teaching. / I love my job!... And my family, friends, running, health and cooking! / This is my 6th year at Beye. / This is my 7th year of teaching. / I love my job!... And my family, friends, running, health and cooking!
Your job tonight: 1. Write your child a love note! 2. Fill out the survey on the ipad 3. Enjoy! Ask questions! 1. Write your child a love note! 2. Fill out the survey on the ipad 3. Enjoy! Ask questions!
Our class… / Class list in your packet, also will be ed / Ms. Johnson= Teaching Assistant / Class list in your packet, also will be ed / Ms. Johnson= Teaching Assistant
Parent Help- see IPad! / Please sign up if you’d like to volunteer / Volunteering: / working one on one with students / working as a monitor during reading or math group work, assisting students in the computer lab / Room Parents will be announced as soon as they are determined. / Responsibilities will consist of recruiting, organizing and delegating parties, classroom volunteers and school- functions. / Please sign up if you’d like to volunteer / Volunteering: / working one on one with students / working as a monitor during reading or math group work, assisting students in the computer lab / Room Parents will be announced as soon as they are determined. / Responsibilities will consist of recruiting, organizing and delegating parties, classroom volunteers and school- functions.
Please sign… * School Compact * Technology Form * Walking Field Trip * Photo Permission
Homework / A homework packet will be sent home every week, with activities related to the things we have been working on in class. / I will keep track of the homework. Homework should take 10 minutes per day, plus 15 minutes of reading per night. / Don’t stress over homework! / A homework packet will be sent home every week, with activities related to the things we have been working on in class. / I will keep track of the homework. Homework should take 10 minutes per day, plus 15 minutes of reading per night. / Don’t stress over homework!
Classroom Management / Whole Brain Teaching & Responsive Classroom Management Systems used… / Proactive approach to keep students engaged in learning and the classroom community. / Whole Brain Teaching & Responsive Classroom Management Systems used… / Proactive approach to keep students engaged in learning and the classroom community.
/ Examples: Morning Meeting, role playing, procedure modeling / CARES / Cooperation / Assertion / Respect / Empathy / Self-Control / Examples: Morning Meeting, role playing, procedure modeling / CARES / Cooperation / Assertion / Respect / Empathy / Self-Control
Classroom Rules & Consequences / Rules / 1: Do what the teacher tells you to do / 2: Work quietly at your seat / 3: Raise your hand / 4: Keep your hands to yourself / Rules / 1: Do what the teacher tells you to do / 2: Work quietly at your seat / 3: Raise your hand / 4: Keep your hands to yourself / Consequences / You break it, you fix it / Loss of Privilege / Time-Out or “Thinking Spot ”
Classroom Management continued… / Magic / What’s a pink slip? / Chill out zone vs. “Thinking Spot” / Magic / What’s a pink slip? / Chill out zone vs. “Thinking Spot”
Common Core Standards / /
Reading Curriculum / Language Arts- Common Core / Reading Literature / Reading: Informational Text / Reading: Foundational Skills / Writing / Speaking & Listening / Language Balanced Literacy Approach Small Group Instruction & Whole Group / Language Arts- Common Core / Reading Literature / Reading: Informational Text / Reading: Foundational Skills / Writing / Speaking & Listening / Language Balanced Literacy Approach Small Group Instruction & Whole Group
Reading / Sight Words (40 in kindergarten …220 in First Grade) / Spelling (developmental… transitioning to phonics based) / Writing / Handwriting / Road to Reading… / Sight Words (40 in kindergarten …220 in First Grade) / Spelling (developmental… transitioning to phonics based) / Writing / Handwriting / Road to Reading…
Road to Reading / New differentiated reading initiative / To improve reading skills for all students / Meet 30 minutes, four times a week on a three week rotation / Students will travel to a destination on his or her reading journey / Groups will be specialized to fit their specific needs / New differentiated reading initiative / To improve reading skills for all students / Meet 30 minutes, four times a week on a three week rotation / Students will travel to a destination on his or her reading journey / Groups will be specialized to fit their specific needs
What is the focus of Kindergarten Math? / Operations and Algebraic Thinking / Understanding addition/subtraction / Fact fluency to ten / Mental Addition and Subtraction Strategies / Number and Operations in Base Ten / Additive and Positional Properties of Base Ten Number System / Measurement and Data / Geometry / Operations and Algebraic Thinking / Understanding addition/subtraction / Fact fluency to ten / Mental Addition and Subtraction Strategies / Number and Operations in Base Ten / Additive and Positional Properties of Base Ten Number System / Measurement and Data / Geometry
/ Science: / Delta Science kits to allow for scientific exploration. / Science Units: Water, Looking at the Moon, Shadows, Plants/ Sun / Social Studies: / through the Treasure’s Reading Program, Scholastic News, Time for Kids and seasonal activities we will address a variety of topics including celebrations, holidays, cultures, and appreciating diversity. / Technology: / Computer Lab, iPads and LCD projector/ SMART board / Science: / Delta Science kits to allow for scientific exploration. / Science Units: Water, Looking at the Moon, Shadows, Plants/ Sun / Social Studies: / through the Treasure’s Reading Program, Scholastic News, Time for Kids and seasonal activities we will address a variety of topics including celebrations, holidays, cultures, and appreciating diversity. / Technology: / Computer Lab, iPads and LCD projector/ SMART board
Report Cards / Standards based grading / Graded on end of year benchmarks / Kindergarten: NP, AP, PR (no EP) / What is graded each day/ week? / Standards based grading / Graded on end of year benchmarks / Kindergarten: NP, AP, PR (no EP) / What is graded each day/ week?
Lunch/Snack / Lunch program / Options include: Hot, Cold and Home for lunch / If your child is going home for lunch please be sure to notify me as well as the office. They should be back to school by 11:55 / Students will go for recess at 11:00 and then to lunch at 11:25 / We will have snack every day (mid-morning or afternoon). / Lunch program / Options include: Hot, Cold and Home for lunch / If your child is going home for lunch please be sure to notify me as well as the office. They should be back to school by 11:55 / Students will go for recess at 11:00 and then to lunch at 11:25 / We will have snack every day (mid-morning or afternoon).
Birthdays / Instead of food we would like to encourage you to bring non-edible treats such as stickers, pencils or cards. / Students will also have a special lunch with Mr. Ellwanger, and get a birthday ribbon from the office. / Summer birthdays will be celebrated in May. / Please NO birthday party invites at school (unless the whole class is invited!) / Instead of food we would like to encourage you to bring non-edible treats such as stickers, pencils or cards. / Students will also have a special lunch with Mr. Ellwanger, and get a birthday ribbon from the office. / Summer birthdays will be celebrated in May. / Please NO birthday party invites at school (unless the whole class is invited!)
Star Student / Each week, one student will be chosen to be the star student. This student will… / Complete the “All About Me” poster. / Choose a few artifacts/photos to share. / Be the “Teacher’s Helper” / Each week, one student will be chosen to be the star student. This student will… / Complete the “All About Me” poster. / Choose a few artifacts/photos to share. / Be the “Teacher’s Helper”
Specials Schedule / Monday: Art / Tuesday: P.E., Spanish / Wednesday: Music, Library / Thursday: P.E., Spanish / Friday: Music, Spanish, Reading Buddies / Monday: Art / Tuesday: P.E., Spanish / Wednesday: Music, Library / Thursday: P.E., Spanish / Friday: Music, Spanish, Reading Buddies
Library / Every Wednesday / One book can be checked out for one week. / Books must be returned in order to check out another book. / Please remember to put the library books in their backpacks on Tuesday night. / Every Wednesday / One book can be checked out for one week. / Books must be returned in order to check out another book. / Please remember to put the library books in their backpacks on Tuesday night.
Communication / How to contact me… / / Voic / School Office / Written notes / Before & After School (appointments only) / How to contact me… / / Voic / School Office / Written notes / Before & After School (appointments only)
One little tip… *turn on the closed captioning on your TV!
Questions? Thank you so much for coming! I look forward to working with you and your child!