LTE Behavior Plan
Tardiness Your child is welcome to enter our classroom at 7:20 am. Your child is tardy for school if he/she arrives after 7:45 am.
7:20 - 7:50 LTE Broadcast/Assembly (Friday’s) 7:50 - 9:20Language Arts 9: :10 Social Studies 10: :00 Specials 11: :45 Math 11: :15 Lunch 12: :35 Recess 12:35 - 1:35 R/E Time 1:35 - 1:50 Math 1:50 - 2:40 Science 2:40 - 2:45 Pack up and dismiss Library Day: Wednesday 2:00-2:30
Specials Schedule by Group Color Groups A Day B Day C Day D Day Red Art PE Music PE Blue PE Art PE Music Yellow PE Music PE Art Green Music PE Art PE
Don’t forget sneakers on PE days! Children without proper PE footwear will be working on alternate exercises instead of group exercises for his/her safety. Please help your child remember to wear sneakers or tennis shoes on PE days so he/she may participate with the rest of the class.
All graded papers for week Important info from teacher Information from office & PTA Sign every week & return next day You may keep Graded Papers (Unless you have question about something)
Behavior Chart Homework Assignment Sheet Reading Response Log Last minute notes Communication between teacher & parent
Green means your child had a great day! Otherwise you’ll see a message from me about why they had to move their clip. Please Initial Every Night
Make-up work is due the same amount of days your child is absent. Reading: Read aloud 15 minutes daily write response Math: Tuesday Spelling Contract: Wednesday Homework should only be done in Pencil
Every Wednesday night, students pick one activity from the Spelling Contract to complete for spelling homework.
After reading aloud for 15 minutes, students should write a response about the book or chapter they read.
Math Number Sense: even/odd, number patterns, ordinal numbers Addition and Subtraction to 18 Time to the minute, quarter hour, half and hour Money: value, making change, equivalency Adding/Subtracting 2 digit numbers no regrouping Adding/Subtracting 2 digit numbers with regrouping
Math continued… Place value to thousands (expanded notation, rounding, comparing, symbol representation) Fractions – up to twelfths Measurement – mass and volume; standard and metric units; temperature Graphing Probability Geometry: attributes of shapes and solids; differences/similarities; spatial relationship Story/word problems(PROBLEM SOLVING) Introduction to Multiplication and Division
MATH STARS! Adding and Subtracting with Zero Making Ten: Addition and Subtraction Counting on 1 / Counting back 1 Doubles: Addition and Subtraction Doubles plus 1 / Doubles minus 1 Count on 2 or 3 / Count back 2 or 3 Ten plus 1/ Ten minus 1 Making Ten plus more: addition and subtraction –-50 facts/3 minutes Addition, Subtraction, Mixed –100 facts / 5 minutes
Social Studies Where We Live: our city, state, country Our Earth: maps, landforms, conservation, geography Working Together: goods and services, producers and consumers Our Country Today: government Our Country Long Ago: tradition, pioneers, colonists People and Places in History: holidays, landmarks, inventions
Science Life Science – growth and change in plants, animals, and people, plants and animal environments, land and water habitats, pollution Earth Science – natural resources, fossils, night sky, clouds, weather changes, water cycle, weather measurement tools Physical Science – observing and measuring matter, changes in matter, forces and motion, sound
Writer’s Workshop Students will participate in Writer’s Workshop throughout the year. During this time, we concentrate on writing skills. These skills include sentence structure and grammar within a sentence. My goal is to help them become better writers and love to write!
Report Cards 1= Skill/Concept: Exhibits with direct assistance 2= Skill/Concept: Exhibits with minimal guidance 3= Skill/Concept: Exhibits mastery at expected level It is important to note that for each indicator on the report card, it is the Level 3 that is the goal and indicates “end-of -year” mastery for that concept or skill. The goal is a level 3 for each marking period.
Early Reading Assessment Kindergarten - 2nd grade are assessed using Istation Reading A “yes” or “no” will be marked on the report card for your child having “Met Standard on Early Reading Assessment.”
Report Card Info… The report card is one tool for communication between home and school. Students receive a report card four times a year. Only the envelope needs to be returned, and the report card is for you to keep. Please sign the envelope before returning to me. The report card includes a comment box for additional information and/or requests a conference. You also are invited to enter comments. You’ll notice the signature box on the envelope includes a place for you to enclose comments about the grading period or request a conference.
One World Theater to see a play Exotic Zoo (more details to come…)
School : This is going to be a Rockin’ year for the Rockers!