Goodnoe Elementary School Back to School Night September 13, 2011
Introducing… Mrs. Pam Vogel Ms. Jaime Sullivan Mrs. Andrea Mazzolla
Education is not preparation for life; Education is life itself. John Dewey
CURRICULUM Language Arts Houghton Mifflin Making Meaning Math Envision First in Math Science/SS Horizons
LANGUAGE ARTS Letter/Sound Recognition Phonemic Awareness Read and Retell Sight Word Vocabulary Rhyming Words Kid Writing Guided Reading
Simple addition & subtraction Time Money Numbers To 20 Sorting/ Classifying Patterns Graphing
SCIENCE My 5 Senses Seeds
SOCIAL STUDIES All About Me Recycling Long Ago and Today Community Maps
Create A Caring Learning Community
Understand and Model Effective Communication
Demonstrate Creative and Critical Thinking
Responsive Classroom Approach to teaching that emphasizes social, emotional, and academic growth in a strong and safe school community.
CLASSROOM PRACTICES Morning Meeting Rules/ Logical Consequences Guided Discovery Academic Choice Classroom Organization Modeling
Components of Morning Meeting Greeting Sharing Group Activity News
Student Responsibilities Bathroom Snack Clothing Bookbag Independence in:
Homework Please assist your child in homework completion. Complete in Pencil Emphasize neat printing. Correct any mistakes. Return to school the following day.
SNACK IT IS MOST HELPFUL AT SNACK TIME IF YOUR CHILD… Brings a nutritious, prepared snack. Has a napkin or paper towel. Can assist in preparing the snack. Has the lunch box or paper bag labeled. Brings in a spoon for jello, yogurt, or applesauce. Brings beverage in a juice box or plastic container. NO CANS PLEASE!
PARENTS are the most important role models for their children
Parent Responsibilities Reinforcement Recognition Reminders Please check school and class websites for updated information.
Communication Communicate ANY serious illness. Communicate ALL CHANGES in transportation IN WRITING. Communicate ANY changes in child’s schedule. MOST CR COMMINICATION IS NOW PAPERLESS.
EARLY DISMISSAL DAYS THERE IS NO “KINDERGARTEN BUS ON THESE DAYS. DISMISSAL IS AT 12:15 PM These dates can be found on the district calendar and Goodnoe Elementary Home Page. Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2011 (AM Attends) Monday, Nov. 21, 2011 (AM Attends) Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2011 (PM Attends) Friday, March 9, 2012 (PM Attends) Tuesday, May 8, 2012 (AM Attends)
Thank you for your support. We look forward to an exciting learning adventure.
Anytime……….. Questions, Comments, Concerns Please feel free to contact us. Goodnoe Elementary School