I pledge my hands to larger service. By: Jami Lyn Medley
Georgia 4-H The mission of Georgia 4-H is to assist youth in acquiring knowledge, developing life skills, and forming attitudes that will enable them to become self-directing, productive and contributing members of society.
Community Service is important to me and to 4-H Community Service is very important to me. I have seen the difference that it can make in someone’s life. Growing up as a member of 4-H, I have participated in various community service projects. 4-H places a great deal of emphasis on community service. It is fourth “H” in the 4-H Pledge. I place my Hands to larger service. From teaching kids how to properly wash their hands, to collecting drink tabs for Ronald McDonald House families, to picking up trash on the side of the road, 4-H does it all. This is why I really respect this organization and have grown to feel the need to be of service to others.
What is D.P.A.? D.P.A. stands for District Project Achievement. All 4-H’ers from fourth grade to seniors in high school can participate. Junior and Senior 4-H’ers must prepare a portfolio of a year’s worth of work and present a demonstration on the topic of their choice. There are numerous categories for students to choose from. Over H’ers compete each year. Georgia 4-H holds their Junior/ Senior D.P.A. at the Rock Eagle 4-H Center.
As a 4-H Volunteer Leader… I helped the Southwest Program Development Coordinator, Dr. Laura Perry Johnson, with a variety of jobs at these events. I have assisted with planning and implementing: Jr. Conference, Cotton Bowl and Consumer Judging, Portfolio Workshops, and Southwest Jr./Sr. DPA.
I worked closely with the Jr. Board of Directors throughout their term as an adult volunteer. The Jr. Board Officers are elected by their peers to plan and direct the events that take place during their year of service.
I was responsible for a lot of behind the scene work. I opened and closed the curtains during all of the assemblies. I set up the chairs for the officers on the stage before assemblies. I helped to decorate the stage and auditorium before the event started.
I began my responsibilities by organizing the 10 different buildings and 40 different rooms that were to be used for the competition. I also sold Southwest District t-shirts throughout the weekend. I assisted with setting up all the sound systems for the evening recreation and I also acted as the DJ for the dances.
I spent a lot of the time making sure the Jr. Board officers were prepared for their assemblies by proofing their scripts and making last minute changes and minor adjustments. Here I am reading over the script before I practice with the board.
I was also in charge of compiling, organizing, and presenting all of the slide shows that were presented at three assemblies. This is the sound booth where I presented the slide shows.
I was responsible for preparing the awards to be presented. Also, I had to have them in order to be presented so the programs would run quickly and smoothly. Here I am placing certificates for State Congress delegates into the award folders.
What I thought… I love being a volunteer leader. It was entirely different serving as a volunteer leader than it use to be as an actual 4-H’er. I never really knew how much took place behind the scenes, but I enjoyed every minute of it! I felt honored to serve and help the organization that has done so much for me.
Why I did it… 4-H is an amazing organization. It helps prepare the youth of Georgia to achieve their goals and become outstanding citizens. While I was a 4-H’er, many adult leaders helped me with my projects. 4-H has contributed to making me the person that I am today. I felt that it was necessary for me to show my support for the organization that has played a major role in my personal development.
Would I do it again? I will definitely be volunteering my time to the Georgia 4-H program again. I love being able to work with the youth in Georgia. You never know what that one act of kindness and caring can do for an individual. I may never see the outcome of my actions, but I know in my heart that through 4-H I can help make the world a better place.
Making the Best Better.