The global and Greek economic crisis and its effect on private sector (SME)
Introduction In recent years the global and the GREEK economy are plagued by the phenomenon of economic crisis
Global economic crisis Economic crisis is the phenomenon in which an economy is characterized by a sustained and significant decline in economic activity.
The economic crisis is one of the two phases of economic fluctuations, and specifically the phase of descent, namely when the economic activity is in an enduring shrinkage. Economic fluctuations are defined as successive fluctuations of economic activity within an economy. They are told otherwise and cyclical or economic cycles
Greek economic and fiscal crisis 2010 global crisis hits Greece Borrowing disability →Bankruptcy risk External financial supervision Fiscal measures
Negative effects of economic crisis in private sector Decrease of trade Revenue reduction of tourist companies Higher functional costs for Construction companies and industries Economical dependence - Raise of interests
Positive effects of economic crisis in private sector Innovative ideas Development of primary sector
Κυριάκος Κωσταντινίδης 2431 Μαρία Κελεσίδου 2419 Άρης Δάλαρος 2371 G.Leader Δημήτρης Κολοκοτρώνης 2426